Michael Singer Office of Strategic Communication CSUSB Palm Desert Campus (760) 341-2883, ext. 78107 msinger@csusb.edu

More than 60 guests attended the open house, and Palm Desert Chamber of Commerce sponsored ribbon-cutting ceremony, including staff members from the offices of state Sen. Jeff Stone (R-Temecula) and U.S. Rep. Raul Ruiz (D-Palm Desert).
Palm Desert Campus Dean Sharon Brown-Welty welcomed guests and she and Connie McReynolds, director of the Institute of Research, Assessment and Professional Development at CSUSB who oversees the center, cut the ribbon on the new facilities that are open now to serve clients throughout the Coachella Valley.
Earlier in the day, nearly 30 attendees received CEU credits at an afternoon seminar briefing professionals in counseling and psychology.
The CSUSB Palm Desert Campus Neurofeedback Center is located at the UCR Palm Desert Center, Building A/Heckmann Bldg., Suite 229, 75080 Frank Sinatra Drive, in Palm Desert.
The PDC Neurofeedback Center is made possible by the generous and continuing support of Gil Schroeder and Bighorn Cares.
Visit the PDC Neurofeedback Center website for more information.