Main Content Region

Global Nutrition


Owner: Terezie Tolar-Peterson, EdD, MS, RDN, LDN, FAND

Professor (Nutrition) and Chair

Department of Health Sciences and Human Ecology





The Global Nutrition Lab focuses on improving nutrition and food safety, especially for vulnerable groups like women and children, primarily in Africa. Our work centers on maximizing the nutritional benefits of fish in communities reliant on fishing. We provide education on nutrition, food safety, sustainable fishing practices and post-harvest techniques, aiming to address malnutrition and promote overall well-being. Additionally, we partner with local communities to develop culturally relevant solutions, ensuring sustainability. In school nutrition, we emphasize the importance of proper nourishment for children's growth and learning. Overall, our goal is to enhance the nutritional status and food security of vulnerable populations through collaborative and evidence-based approaches.

You can learn more about our previous project at Nourishing Nations: Improving the Quality and Safety of Processed Fish Products in Nigeria | Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish (

Our ongoing initiative in Zambia revolves around the comprehensive approach of the ComFA+Fish Project Lifecycle. Our overarching goal throughout this journey is to enhancing nutrition and food security for vulnerable infants, young children, and households across low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) throughout sub-Saharan Africa.

Places we work at:




map 2

Grant Support

List of publications and presentations