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Master of Science in Health Services Administration


The Master of Science in Health Services Administration is appropriate for students preparing to become health service administrators or managers in hospitals, health maintenance organizations, medical group clinics, nursing homes, public health departments, state and federal health agencies, military health services, or other health service organizations.

Students who wish to design a specific, individualized master's degree related to health science should also consider the M.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies. Students can successfully combine courses from several relevant fields to build interdisciplinary programs serving their career goals in such areas as Community Health Education, Health Promotion, Environmental Health, Occupational Health/ Industrial Hygiene, Public Health, and Gerontology.

Students may also earn a certificate in Finance, Accounting, and Information Systems along with the Master of Science in Health Services Administration.

Interim Program Director: Dr. Terezie Tolar-Peterson


The mission of the Health Services Administration Master's Program is to prepare a diverse group of graduate students to become skilled and ethical early to mid-career healthcare leaders in the Inland Empire, equipped with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to excel in the dynamic field of healthcare management and administration while fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion.


California State University, San Bernardino, Master of Science in Health Service Administration program is a leader in preparing diverse graduates to serve as excellent managers that lead healthcare delivery programs. Through graduates of our program, we aspire to contribute to a healthcare system that is inclusive, responsive, and provides quality, equitable care to every individual, regardless of their background or circumstance.


Admissions Criteria

Admission to the MSHSA Program

In addition to the general requirements of the university, specific requirements for admission to classified graduate status are:

  1. A minimum grade point average of 3.0 ('B') for the major or for the last 90 quarter units of undergraduate coursework and in all post-graduate coursework;
  2. A copy of most recent resume or curriculum vitae;
  3. A statement of purpose, double-spaced and 2-3 pages maximum, describing those experiences which have shaped the applicant's interest in the MSHSA program. Comment on your current knowledge, skills, experience, and preference areas of work in the field of health services administration, one academic experience which has meant the most to your professional career, immediate and long-term professional goals, reasons for being interested in the MSHSA program, strengths the applicant brings to the program, skills which the applicant would like to improve, how MSHSA degree will help you grow professionally.;
  4. Writing sample based on a health services management topic of interest to the applicant, typed, approximately 1,000 words, double spaced;


How to Apply

Students interested in the MS Health Service Administration program should apply at this link:, and choose CSU San Bernardino. 

Program Goals & Outcomes


Communications and Interpersonal Effectiveness 

Effective Verbal and Written Communication 

Active Listening and Empathy 

Conflict Resolution 

Critical Thinking and Analysis 

Analytical Skills 

Problem Solving 


Management and Leadership 

Strategic Planning 

Team Leadership 

Change Management 

Professionalism and Ethics 

Ethical Decision-Making 

Compliance and Regulatory Knowledge 

Cultural Competence and Diversity 

Knowledge of the Healthcare Environment 

Healthcare Systems and Policies 

Healthcare Financing and Reimbursement 

Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety 

Program Learning Outcomes 

PLO 1: Domain: Communications and Interpersonal Effectiveness 

Students will develop the required skills to engage with others in healthcare. They will understand effective communication and collaboration methods with internal and external stakeholders, healthcare providers, and administrators. 

PLO 2: Domain: Critical Thinking and Analysis 

Students will learn to analyze data and generate accurate findings to improve healthcare organization management. Clinical trials, healthcare policy, and economic studies will be critically assessed and integrated. Students will learn to develop innovative solutions and present their results to stakeholders. 

PLO 3: Domain: Management and Leadership 

Students will learn the skills and theory behind leading and managing healthcare organizations. They will learn to be effective leaders by fostering a culture of continuous improvement, managing change, and inspiring others to achieve shared goals. 

PLO 4: Domain: Professionalism and Ethics 

Students will understand the significance of maintaining a professional demeanor and adhering to ethical standards while working in healthcare management. They will understand the fundamentals of professional ethics, legal rules, and professional standards in the healthcare industry. Students will also be able to make ethical judgments, preserve confidentiality, and keep the highest standards of integrity and professionalism. 

PLO 5: Domain: Knowledge of the Healthcare Environment 

Students will gain an in-depth comprehension of the healthcare environment, including its organizational framework, regulations, and the many issues that it presents. They will learn about healthcare systems, modes of healthcare delivery, healthcare funding, and reimbursement procedures. Additionally, students will investigate contemporary problems and developments in the healthcare industry, including healthcare technology, quality improvement, patient safety, and healthcare inequities, among other topics. 



Program Curriculum

Degree Requirements (43-44 units)

(Program Code: HSAD)

HSCI 6170    Health Services Administration Leadership, Team and Quality Development     4

HSCI 6010    Administration of Health Care Programs                                                                4

HSCI 6020   Management, Organization and Planning                                                              4

HSCI 6030   Health Economics and Financial Systems                                                              4

HSCI 6140    Information and Technology Systems Management in Health Services              4

HSCI 6150    Health Law and Medical Ethics                                                                               4

HSCI 6160    Strategic Planning and Evaluation                                                                          4

HSCI 6100    Communication and Human Relations in Health Services                                   4

HSCI 6180    Health Services Administration Capstone Seminar                                              4

HSCI 6190    Graduate Research Methodology in Health Science                                           4

Culminating Experience (3-4)                                                                                                       3-4

Total Units                                                                                                                                     43-44


Culminating Experience (3-4 units)

HSCI 6754        Administrative Residency                                                                                  3-4

or HSCI 6960   Project

MSHSA Roadmap

Advancement to Candidacy

To be advanced to candidacy, the student must have:

  1. Candidacy will be granted upon completion of 25 quarter units towards the MSHSA with a minimum grade point average of 3.0 ('B');
  2. Submit a formal program of study of graduate coursework prepared in consultation with the MSHSA graduate coordinator;
  3. Be recommended for advancement to candidacy by the MSHSA graduate coordinator;
Requirements for Graduation

In addition to the general requirements of the university and the department, graduation requirements include:

  1. Advancement to candidacy for the degree and approval of the specific program of study;
  2. A grade point average of 3.0 ('B'), or better, in all graduate course work and research fulfilling the requirements of the Master of Science in Health Services Administration and grades of 'B-' or better in all coursework.

Graduate students in the Master of Science program must complete their degree requirements within seven years.

Career Opportunities




The program is currently seeking accreditation with CAHME

Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education

Degree Requirements



American College of Healthcare Executives



Membership in the CSUSB Student Chapter of the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) is open to undergraduate and graduate students in health services administration. The purpose of the ACHE Student Chapter is to acquaint students with the foremost professional association in the field of health care management before they start their careers. The ACHE Student Chapter sponsors speakers on a variety of subjects, including career planning, federal and state health care legislation, women in health administration, and health care public policy issues.

ACHE is a national organization composed of over 30,000 health care executives. It offers continuing education classes and promotes standards for education for executives working in a variety of health care settings. The goals of ACHE are to promote professional development, formulate ethics standards, and serve as an effective network for health care executives.

For more information about the ACHE Student Chapter, contact Following :

Name: Dr. Paulchris Okpala and Dr. Nicole Henley
Phone No:(909) 537-5341, (909) 537 7228

Visit the National ACHE website.