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Online Teaching and Learning

High-quality online courses offer flexibility of scheduling to students who need and want it, and can produce student successful completion rates equal to those of on-site, face-to-face courses. The task force has identified challenges to increasing the number of high-quality online courses, and is taking steps to address them. COVID-19 provided a unique opportunity to excel progress in this area. An Instructional Continuity Committee, chaired by the provost and faculty senate chair, was formed to facilitate discussions related to this teaching and learning modality.

Committee Members

Tomas Morales, President

Lesley Davidson-Boyd, Associate Vice President for Academic Success and Undergraduate Advising

Bibiana Diaz, Faculty Executive Director, Faculty Center for Excellence

Doug Freer, Vice President for Administration and Finance

Katherine Hartley, Office Manager and Executive Assistant

Julie Lappin, Chief of Staff and Associate Vice President

Shari McMahan, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Paz Oliverez, Vice President for Student Affairs

Bradford Owen, Chief Academic Technology Officer

Mihaela Popescu, Faculty Associate, Academic Technologies & Innovation

Sam Sudhakar, Vice President for Information Technology Services and Chief Information Officer

Seval Yildirim, Associate Provost, Faculty Affairs and Development

Online Teaching and Learning