Quarterly Legislative Briefings
2025 Legislative Briefings
February 5, 2025: "Discussion on Higher Education and the State Budget"
Session Description:
The conversation focuses on the relationship between higher education and the state budget, addressing critical funding challenges, opportunities, and strategic priorities. Topics include the allocation of state resources to public universities, funding models that promote equity and access, and the impact of budgetary decisions on student success, faculty support, and institutional growth. The discussion also highlights the role of higher education in workforce development, economic mobility, and community engagement, emphasizing the need for sustainable funding to meet evolving state and regional needs. Participants will explore policy solutions, advocate for investment in higher education, and discuss strategies to align fiscal priorities with the broader goals of public education systems.
2024 Legislative Briefings
February 7, 2024: "How Public Higher Education Institutions are Financed: Understanding the Basics and CSU's 2024 Budget Priorities"
Session Description:
As we navigate through these unprecedented times, it's crucial to acknowledge the fiscal landscape of our state. The LAO released a $68 billion state budget deficit, as tax returns fell significantly short of the projections anticipated by state leaders. While the Governor’s January budget shortfall is at $37.9 billion. Considering these financial challenges, it becomes imperative to delve into the specific financial framework that supports institutions like CSUSB.
Session Description: Join us in exploring the financial framework supporting CSUSB and provide an in-depth look at our budget priorities for the upcoming year. Our focus will include understanding the funding sources that sustain the university and how these priorities align with 2024 CSU Expenditure Priorities that reflect overall mission and core values, which include:
Advance Student Success and Educational Equity
- Invest in Our Faculty and Staff
- Ensure Course Offerings Support Access for Students
- Expand Financial Aid
- Ensure Safe, Modern, and Sustainable Facilities
Key Points:
- Delve into the intricate landscape of CSUSB's financial foundation
- Unveil the 2024 budget priorities and strategic financial investments.
- Highlight collaborative efforts and initiatives shaping the future of CSUSB
Presentation Materials
- Dr. Samuel Sudhakar, CSUSB Budget 101
April 23, 2024: "Bridging the Gap: Innovative Programs and Policy Changes to Address Healthcare Workforce Needs in the Inland Empire"
Session Description:
Prior to the onset of COVID-19, our region was actively engaged in discussions aimed at addressing the healthcare workforce gap, recognizing its critical importance. However, the pandemic brought about significant challenges to our healthcare systems. While some of these challenges prompted innovative solutions in care delivery, they also exposed vulnerabilities in our delivery of care.
The impact of COVID-19 created immense pressure on healthcare workers, resulting in burnout and resignations within the workforce. Given the pre-existing gap in our healthcare workforce, the pandemic further intensified the regional imperative to tackle these gaps for the delivery of quality and equitable healthcare to our communities.
We invite you to participate in a discussion on the urgent issue of healthcare workforce shortages in the Inland Empire. As the demand for quality healthcare continues to rise, it is imperative to explore innovative programs and policy changes that can effectively address the workforce gap. This session aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the challenges faced in the Inland Empire, showcase healthcare education programs, and present policy changes to foster workforce development.
By the end of this session, attendees will gain valuable insights into the multifaceted nature of the healthcare workforce shortage in the Inland Empire. They will also leave with actionable strategies to contribute to workforce development and enhance the healthcare workforce pipeline in our communities. Join us in our collective effort to bridge the gap and cultivate a resilient and thriving healthcare workforce for the future.
View Livestream of Session by Clicking Below: