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University Curriculum Committee

The University Curriculum Committee is responsible for approving curriculum (program and course) changes and assisting college/school curriculum committees in their activities.

UCC Membership

Member Represents Term Voting Member
Brian Heisterkamp College of Arts & Letters 2022-24 Yes
Doug Smith (Chair)          College of Natural Sciences 2022-24                Yes
Thomas Long College of Social & Behavioral Sciences 2023-25


Haakon Brown Jack H. Brown College 2023-25 Yes

Mark Groen

Jim & Judy Watson College 2023-25 Yes
Jessie McVicker Associated Students, Inc. 2023-24 No
Patrick Bungard Office of Academic Programs Appointed No
Rachael Loverock Office of the Registrar Appointed No
Caroline Vickers Office of Graduate Studies Appointed No
Janelle Gilbert General Education Appointed No

View upcoming meetings and the meeting archive on the meetings page.


Curriculum Deadlines

The following timeline guides the approval process needed for the curriculum to make it into the catalog. The curriculum must be approved in the month listed to afford the next approving committee time to review and approve. Please take note, that this timeline does not take into account if the curriculum is rolled back, so it is best to submit early.

  • August/September:
    • Curriculum must be approved by the College Curriculum Committee.
    • Upcoming catalog open for non-curriculum edits.
  • October: Curriculum must be approved by University Curriculum Committee by the end of the month.
  • November: Curriculum must be approved by Faculty Senate by the end of the month, and requires a minimum two week review period. Curriculum not approved by November full senate meeting will transition to the following academic year.
    • New programs must submit a Projected Degree Proposal Template to the Vice Provost by November 30th to be considered by the Chancellor's Office/CSU Board of Trustees for the Academic Master Plan.
  • January/February:
    • Upcoming catalog closed for (non-curriculum) edits.
    • Catalog due to the vendor for PDF creation and processing by February 1st.
  • March:
    • The Office of the Registrar updates the articulation agreements
    • Advising for the next academic year begins.
  • April/May
    • CIM Courses (C-Forms) and CIM Programs (P-Forms) open for curriculum changes.
    • New programs must submit a Projected Degree Proposal Form to the Vice Provost by May 1st to be considered by the Chancellor's Office/CSU Board of Trustees for the Academic Master Plan.

Typical C-Form Approval Workflow

  1. Originator submits change/new course
  2. (if applicable) Department curriculum committee notified
  3. Department chair approval
  4. College curriculum committee notified
  5. College curriculum committee chair approval
  6. College dean approval
  7. (if applicable) GE curriculum committee notified
  8. (if applicable) GE curriculum committee chair approval
  9. Assessment approval
  10. University curriculum committee notified
  11. University curriculum committee chair approval
  12. Faculty senate notified
  13. Faculty senate chair approval
  14. Vice Provost approval
  15. Added to PeopleSoft

Typical P-Form Approval Workflow

  1. Originator submits change/new program
    • New programs must submit a Projected Degree Proposal
      form for consideration by the Chancellor's Office/CSU
      Board of Trustees for the Academic Master Plan.
  2. (if applicable) Department curriculum committee notified
  3. Department chair approval
  4. College curriculum committee notified
  5. College curriculum committee chair approval
  6. College dean approval
  7. (if applicable) GE curriculum committee notified
  8. (if applicable) GE curriculum committee chair approval
  9. Assessment approval
  10. University curriculum committee notified
  11. University curriculum committee chair approval
  12. Faculty senate notified
  13. Faculty senate chair approval
  14. Vice Provost approval
  15. (for new programs and name changes) Chancellor's Office approval
  16. Added to the catalog