Welcome to the CSUSB Faculty Mentoring Program!
You've made a great career move in choosing this campus as your academic home. Those of us who have been here for a while can attest to the high degree of caring and collegiality that is the norm on this campus. This Faculty Mentoring Program (FMP) is another resource being made available to you, the probationary faculty, to help you establish yourselves here and stay.
The purpose of the FMP is to foster an environment of support that promotes the personal and professional development of tenure-track probationary faculty. To that end, UFMN makes available advice, encouragement, and career guidance by knowledgeable senior and FERP'ing faculty. The goal is to supplement, not supplant, mentoring programs at the department or college levels. Housed in Faculty Affairs and Development, the FMP works collaboratively with Academic Personnel, the Chief Diversity Officers, the Teaching Resource Center (TRC), Human Resources, and the University Ombuds/EEO Officer for the various resources that they provide.
FMP Objectives
- Provide a safe and confidential venue for probationary faculty to discuss their concerns;
- Promote acculturation to the University, especially for new faculty;
- Inform probationary faculty about university and community resources;
- Encourage probationary faculty to develop collaborative relationships across campus;
- Assist probationary faculty with understanding university policies and procedures;
- Help probationary faculty connect to communities of interest across the university, e.g. other faculty of the same ethnicity/gender/sexual orientation, etc.
Mentoring is a brain to pick
, an ear to listen
, and a push in the right direction
– John C. Crosby