Professor of Information and Decision Sciences
I started teaching at CSUSB in 1980 and have seen the campus grow from 4,000 students to over 17,000. Students have changed, and so has my teaching style. I've taught mega-sections of undergraduate introductory statistics (180 – 200 students); major classes in supply chain management, quality management, and computer programming (10 – 20 students); and graduate classes in all of the above topics (up to 30 students). Clearly I've had experience teaching (and dealing with "classroom behavior" issues) in a variety of settings. Most of my courses are required courses (and the students come in "kicking and screaming"), but for the most part they feel good about the course at the end. I'm happy to share my thoughts about what has worked (and NOT worked) for me.
Professional Development
Most of my professional work has been in the area of applied research (as opposed to "basic" research). As Director of the campus's Institute of Applied Research since 1985, I've collaborated with campus colleagues on a variety of project topics: economic forecasting, polling, strategic planning, health needs assessments, marketing research, and a lot more. As Director, I've had to deal with UEC (University Enterprises Corp), so I'd be happy to throw in my two cents on that...there have definitely been challenges! And I'd be happy to talk about how doing applied research is a "win-win" for me personally, for the students I hire to work on projects, and for the community organizations that reap the benefits of the research.
Of course I've done my share of "basic" research as well, usually in collaboration with other colleagues.
Service / Campus and Community Involvement
I've served on almost every committee at the department and college levels you can imagine, and some at the university level too. I've been on the College Curriculum Committee for too many years to count, so I'm very familiar with the RPT process. I'd be happy to provide insight into the RPT process, including which committees to join so that you can show service without burning yourself out.
As noted above, I serve as the Director of the Institute of Applied Research, and in that capacity I've dealt extensively with the community in both Riverside and San Bernardino County. I believe that community involvement is a vital part of my position here at CSUSB. Of course, it's not for everyone...but if you want to talk about what that entails, I'm here!
Relevant Life Experiences
Up until Fall 2017, I'm the only female in my department. That has been both a blessing and a curse... I'd be happy to share my two-cents about that!
Although I teach in the College of Business and Public Administration, I'm in many ways an outsider since my degree is in statistics, not business. It has been interesting being an outsider yet also one of the "old farts" in the department who is seen as a leader.
A previous Dean asked me to serve for a year as a mentor to untenured faculty. I found that to be an interesting and rewarding experience. Obviously I don't have all the answers, but I certainly am a person who can listen and give my two cents. I've been on this campus for 34 years. I've seen it all. "Been there, done that." I'm happy to share my experiences with you (for what it's worth).
Personal Message
When I came to CSUSB I was lucky enough to find a mentor who gave me the "real untold story" about this job: what is important to do and what isn't, what to put into your FAR and what to leave out, who to listen to and who to ignore, etc. It was invaluable! I'm not a complainer, I'm a problem-solver. Of course there are difficult issues in this job and on this campus. After all, what work environment doesn't come with issues? But for the most part I've been happy here for all these years, and I'd love to do what I can to help others feel the same way. Let me know how I can help you succeed!
Email: bsirotni@csusb.edu
Office Extention: 75729