Policy Analysts study government policies and their effects on individuals, communities, demographic groups or natural habitats. A policy analyst, for example, might examine the impact of student loan policies on economic growth, rent control laws on homelessness, or cap-and-trade regulations on Inland Empire pollution levels. Policy analysts are often employed by government agencies, think tanks, labor unions, and consulting firms.
Skills and Responsibilities
- Study actual or projected effects of government policies on individuals, communities, or natural habitats
- Read and synthesize previous policy research
- Collect quantitative and qualitative data
- Analyze and interpret data
- Prepare reports and presentations
- Have excellent analytical reading, writing, and interpretive skills
Where They Work
Policy analysts often work for government agencies, think tanks, consulting firms, and large organizations and companies. Companies and organizations that have recently posted jobs for policy analysts in California include Acumen LLC, the Institute for College Access and Success, and Apple.