Teaching secondary school students can be highly rewarding and impactful. You may in fact have chosen to pursue an English degree yourself because of an amazing middle or high school English teacher. Secondary school English teachers teach several classes per day, which may span more than one grade level and may include Advanced Placement (AP) English courses and/or English Language Development (ELD) courses for English learners. These courses often integrate literary study, rhetorical analysis, writing in various genres, and language development. Most teachers work ten months of the year and have two months off across summer and winter breaks. Public school teachers also have good job security after they are tenured. In order to teach English at a public middle or high school, you must complete a single-subject teaching credential after obtaining a B.A.
Skills and Responsibilities
- Teach literature, rhetoric, composition, creative writing, and language
- Have passion and talent for working with students from various cultural backgrounds
- Design courses that address curricular guidelines and engage students with creative materials
- Facilitate classroom discussions
- Evaluate and comment on students’ work
- Use technology to enhance teaching
Education and Additional Requirements
Single Subject Teaching Credential
Where They Work
Middle and high school English teachers are hired at both public and private schools.
Getting a Job
- CSUSB English Teacher Preparation Minor
- CSUSB Single Subject Teaching Credential Program
- Occupational Outlook Handbook for Middle School Teachers
- Occupational Outlook Handbook for High School Teachers
- Job Posting: School Teachers
- Salary: School Teachers
- California Single Subject Credential Requirements