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Professor Thom Gehring

Co-Founding Faculty

Thom Gehring
Professor Emeritus

Director of the Center, Thom Gehring's scholarly emphasis is on the history of correctional education and prison reform. He has been a correctional educator since 1972. Thom did his Ph.D. dissertation on the correctional school district pattern of organization. He serves as the historian for the Correctional Education Association. Thom is a professor of education who directs the EDCA correctional and alternative masters degree program.

phone: 909-537-5653

Professor Carolyn Eggleston

Carolyn Eggleston
Professor Emeritus

Director of the Center, Carolyn Eggleston's scholarly emphasis is on correctional/special education. She has served as President of the Correctional Education Association. In addition to editing the Journal of Correctional Education for several years, Carolyn has authored numerous articles and chapters related to correctional education. Carolyn is a professor of education for the College of Education.

phone: 909-537-5654

Professor Randall Wright


Randall Wright (In memoriam)

Randall Wright has spent over 25 years as a teacher, counselor, administrator and trainer in 27 prisons in Canada and the U.S. His Ph.D. dissertation involved qualitative research into the practical and professional knowledge of correctional teachers. His publications have explored topics such as inmate literacy, post-modern corrections, teacher culture shock, and teacher burnout. He also designed the Social and Cultural Foundations of Correctional Education on-line course leading to a certificate from the CEA as a highly qualified correctional educator. His anthology titled In the Borderlands: Learning to Teach in Prisons and Alternative Settings, is included in the Center's correctional education book series.