Ways to give back NOW... during COVID-19
Marissa Setyawan
Posted on Friday, May 8
With cases of COVID-19 still on the rise across the state and the nation, the need for volunteers is important now more than ever.
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted are way of living, it has left many vulnerable, confused and frustrated. But during this time, it has also ignited a surge of volunteerism across the country and world. We have seen compassion, empathy and a feeling of togetherness through this pandemic.
With cases of COVID-19 still on the rise across the state and the nation, the need for volunteers is important now more than ever. We find things are changing on a daily basis and the need to help others is great. There are many virtual/online volunteer opportunities; it is still possible to help others!
Reminder: Kindness is not canceled; we still can still leave our paw print virtually to those in need. As Aesop said, “No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted.”
For Yotes who want to continue to help, but don’t know where to start. Here are a few tips and suggestions:
When searching for these opportunities you can consider using the following keywords when you search:
- "virtual" or "online" - to find opportunities that can be done remotely.
- "COVID-19" - to find current needs, projects, initiatives that need more immediate volunteers due to the impact of COVID-19.
Consider using the following volunteer search engines:
- All for Good : https://www.allforgood.org
- Just Serve: https://www.justserve.org
- Points of Light : https://www.pointsoflight.org/virtual-volunteering-opportunities
- Volunteermatch: https://www.volunteermatch.org/covid19
Virtual volunteering isn't the only way you can help. Now more than ever, we need to remind others of the importance of supporting local non-profits and the work they are doing to assist the vulnerable in our communities. Your voice is powerful, use it to be an advocate for these organizations that need our help! Use your social media platforms to highlight the work they are doing and maybe others will be inspired to get involved.
You can also consider donating to a local shelter/food pantry. With the business closures, high unemployment rate and basic supplies not being available at stores, there is an increase of needs in local shelters and food pantries. Some organizations have also updated their website to include a list of items that are needed, an online donation campaign for additional funds, and some have an online shopping portal dedicated to essential resources needed; a wish list of items that would support and strengthen the work they are providing to our community. (Ex: Amazon Wish List).
Not all locations are accepting in-person donations at this time or they may only allow you to drop-off items on certain days and times.
Together we can make a difference and continue to be Coyote Strong!
Questions? Contact the Office of Community Engagement at leaveyourpawprint@csusb.edu.