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Click. Learn. Serve. Virtual Volunteer Service Fair






Today's Spotlight

Thank you message to our nonprofit organizations and Yotes who participated in our first Virtual Volunteer Service Fair.


Click.Learn.Serve. Library

CLICK on the videos to LEARN about our community partners and SERVE!

Complete 3 different surveys to receive OCE swag. Don't forget to take the survey.


For additional resources view the 2020 Resource Guide.

Martha's Village & Kitchen nonprofit video for Virtual Volunteer Fair.

IE SoCal United Way nonprofit video for Virtual Volunteer Fair.

SBSAS nonprofit video for the Virtual Volunteer Service Fair.

Desert Best Friend's Closet nonprofit video for Virtual Volunteer Fair.

CASA nonprofit video for the Virtual Volunteer Service Fair.

Galilee Center nonprofit video for the Virtual Volunteer Service Fair.

Helping Hands Pantry nonprofit video for Virtual Volunteer Fair.

House of Ruth nonprofit video for Virtual Volunteer Service Fair.

Children's Foundation of America nonprofit video for the Virtual Volunteer Fair.

CAPSBC nonprofit video for Click.Learn.Serve. Virtual Volunteer Service Fair.

Family Service Association of Redlands nonprofit video for Virtual Volunteer Fair.

CV Volunteers in Medicine nonprofit video for the Virtual Volunteer Service Fair.

RivCoParks nonprofit video for Virtual Volunteer Service Fair.

Foothill Family Shelter nonprofit video for Virtual Volunteer Service Fair.

Feeding America IE nonprofit video for Virtual Volunteer Service Fair.

Coachella Valley Horse Rescue nonprofit video for Virtual Volunteer Service Fair

Rivers and Lands Conservancy nonprofit video for Virtual Volunteer Service Fair.

<a href=";showinfo=0">Watch Rivers and Lands Conservancy nonprofit video for Virtual Volunteer Service Fair. YouTube Video</a>

Find Food Bank video for Virtual Volunteer Service Fair.

American Red Cross video for Virtual Volunteer Service Fair.

Arrowhead United Way video for Virtual Volunteer Service Fair.


Where My Pawprint Begins Zoom Workshop on Thursday, Sept. 3 at Noon.

Where My Pawprint Begins

OCE hosted a Zoom workshop "Where My Pawprint Begins".

We talked about the benefits of volunteering, how to find volunteering opportunities for yourself and your group; and also mentioned the exciting new programs at OCE! 

Watch The Recorded Zoom Wokshop Today!


 Additional Information

What is OCE's next event? Visit I Serve, view  9/11 Day of Service

Want to participate in CSUSB's signature event? Learn how, visit Coyote Cares Day

Looking for other ways to give back? See how you can continue to volunteer, visit Volunteer Opportunities

Are you volunteering? Why not get recognized! Visit Do Good Award