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Campus Accessibility Advisory Board (CAAB)

Mission Statement

California State University, San Bernardino is dedicated to ensure that programs and facilities are accessible to all students, staff, faculty and members of the community. To this end, the Campus Accessibility Advisory Board (CAAB) has been established to assist the University to identify and resolve barriers to individuals with disabilities.

The Campus Accessibility Advisory Board Charter

Procedure for Resolution of Accessibility Barriers

This procedure encourages students, staff, faculty and members of the community to communicate directly with the Campus Accessibility Advisory Board (CAAB) regarding any accessibility barriers and summarizes the steps to resolve them. It is the campus’ experience that open communication is essential to providing the best campus environment and services.

  1. Individuals may contact CAAB to identify and report accessibility barriers through the following email
  2. The issue will be referred to the appropriate campus administrator.
  3. The administrator or designee will be responsible to contact the individual within two working days to investigate the issue. This may involve, but is not limited to, email/phone/in-person meeting(s) and, if physical accessibility issues are involved, a visit to the site, when feasible.
  4. The administrator or designee will consult with CAAB members and other experts, as needed, to determine whether an accessibility barrier exists.
  5. When an accessibility barrier is identified, a list of possible alternatives will be developed and include the associated costs. The administrator or designee will present the information to CAAB for consideration and a proposal will be forwarded to senior campus management.
  6. Senior campus management or designee will be responsible for timely resolution of the accessibility barrier.
  7. The individual who reported the issue will be notified in writing of the resolution of the accessibility barrier and the time line. For physical accessibility barriers, this may include a visit to the site. Following notification, the issue will be closed.
  8. While the issue is being resolved, interim remedies, if any, will be put in place.
  9. Individuals who are notified that an issue is not an accessibility barrier will be referred to other campus entities, as appropriate


Meeting Date