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Proposal Submission

The grant application scoring process includes 4 steps:

  1. Applications will be reviewed by the Asian Pacific Islander Desi American Subcommittee to determine if applications were submitted on time with proper documentation and reporting from previous grant awards (if applicable).
  2. Subcommittee members will individually score and rank applications on a rolling basis.
  3. The Subcommittee will meet to discuss and award grant funding and determine which event proposals will move forward for Presidential Cabinet final approval.
  4. Grant applicants will receive email notification of the decision.

The following table details the rubric used by the Subcommittee to quantitatively score and rank grant applications. A total of 16 points is possible.

Grading Rubric
Category Description
Event Purpose and Relationship to Theme Clearly outlined outcomes and purpose, including a timeline and achievable goals. Activities are well defined and align directly with the theme.
Impact on Student Learning Multiple possible impacts on student learning are clearly and concisely presented with supporting references.
Justification on Expenditures Thoroughly addressed each expenditure with a clear justification; provided detailed account of expenses.
Assessment Clear picture of how data will be collected and used to demonstrate degree to which outcomes and purpose are met.


Proposal Details
Provide Justification of Expenditures, including:
One file only.
15 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, png, bmp, txt, odf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, xml, tar, zip.