CSET Review Sessions
CSET Review is currently available for the follow content areas:
- Multiple Subjects
- Foundational Level - General Science
- English
- Social Science
- Foundational Level - Mathematics
Multiple Subjects Review Information
Subtest I (English; History)
A review session for individuals taking CSET: Multiple Subjects, Subtest I (CSET exam #101), this one-day session will cover content specific to reading, language, literature, history and social science. Please know this session will cover content specific to the exam but cannot be inclusive of all content relevant to the exam.
Review Information:
- Session 1
- Session 2
- Session 3
Fee: $50 per day advance payment ($60 per day at the door)
Subtest II (Science; Mathematics)
A review session for individuals taking CSET: Multiple Subjects, Subtest II (CSET exam #102), this two-day session will cover content specific to science and mathematics. Please know this session will cover content specific to the exam but cannot be inclusive of all content relevant to the exam.
Review Information:
- Session 1
- Session 2
- Session 3
Fee: $50 per day advance payment ($60 per day at the door)
Subtest III (PE; Human Dev.; Visual and Performing Arts)
A review session for individuals taking CSET: Multiple Subjects, Subtest III (CSET exam #103), this one-day session will cover content specific to physical education, human development, and visual/performing arts. Please know this session will cover content specific to the exam but cannot be inclusive of all content relevant to the exam.
Review Information:
- Session 1
- Session 2
- Session 3
Fee: $50 per day advance payment ($60 per day at the door)
Location for all Multiple Subjects Reviews:
Riverside County Office of Education
Conference Center
3958 12th Street
Riverside, CA 92501
Multiple Subjects Review Registration:
ASAP Review Sessions Flyer
For more information contact:
June Miller
Administrative Assistant
Riverside County Office of Education
Center for Teacher Innovation
(951) 826-6616
Foundational Level - General Science
Due to extremely low enrollment, the Foundational Level - General Science review sessions scheduled for the month of October have been canceled. We are in the process of rescheduling the review and will most likely offer it again in late January or early February.
Review Information:
Dates: TBD
Coming Soon! Anticipated Start Dates: TBD
Social Science
Coming Soon! Anticipated Start Dates: TBD
Foundational Level - Mathematics
Preparation for this content area is offered by the Inland Counties Mathematics Project (ICMP). Visit their website for more information.