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Excessive Units

Excessive Unit Seniors

The terms “Excessive Units” or “Super Seniors” describes students seeking a first baccalaureate degree who have earned 144 or more units and who have not yet graduated. Excessive Unit Seniors receive a registration hold each semester until they graduate based on their units. 

There are two distinct groups of Excessive Unit Seniors: the first group has a graduation check on file, while the second group has earned 144 or more units but does not have a graduation check on file.  Intrusive advising will be implemented for both groups to facilitate their timely graduation. 

Academic Advising will place a hold on their account Done with IP Coursework for students who will be finishing in current term, if they are on track there is no action needed. If they need to adjust their graduation date, they will need to make an appointment with their advisor.

Academic Advising will place a hold on your account if you have earned 144 units or above UGRD Studies-Degree Progress. You will need to make an appointment with Academic Advising to complete an Excessive Unit Administrative Contract. 

All of the CSU campuses have been asked to encourage students to graduate in a timely manner so that there are more seats available to all students seeking a degree. It is not intended that standards be lowered by waiving requirements or making inappropriate substitutions.  It is hoped that this process will help students to keep their focus on the goal of completing their degree, leading to a dream career or a postgraduate education. 

If an Excessive Units Senior fails to follow the Graduation Plan and does not have a reasonable explanation for doing so, the student will be in a position to be dismissed from the University. If the student has any questions regarding their Graduation Plan, it will be the student's responsibility to voice their concerns with Academic Advising.