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CSUSB Identity & Brand

Unified Visual Identity

It’s important that CSUSB employees accurately portray the university. Just as importantly, we need to ensure that our visual communications are consistent and reflect a unified and accurate image of a well-established institution.

By visually communicating who we are with a consistent and uniform approach, we’re better able to build recognition and familiarity for CSUSB. 

Having a unified visual identity helps the campus:

  • Raise university’s profile in region;
  • Communicate as a whole instead of in parts;Help recruit new students;
  • Connect current students to university; 
  • Support donor cultivation; and
  • Keep alumni connected after they graduate.

Branding the University

The Office of Marketing and Communications (MarCom) is the steward of the university brand, responsible for strategic message development, marketing campaigns and collateral for the university. It also oversees the use of the CSUSB logos, identity and style; and leads a campus Visual Identity Committee to foster synergy and consistency among the various marketing initiatives on campus.

To ensure that all print materials are in full compliance with university policies, there is a process for approval of all communications that contain the university logo and/or reaches an off-campus audience. All publication materials (e.g., brochures, fliers, invitations, booklets, ads, eBlast, etc.), must be officially approved by the MarCom to ensure that materials are in compliance with the visual identity manual and university policies. It is CSUSB policy that the campus’s Purchasing Department will not issue a purchase order or payment to a print vendor unless this approval is received prior to producing a publication. Please allow at least three business days for review of your project.

Questions concerning permission to use CSUSB identity images or approval of their use should be addressed to the MarCom at or (909) 537-5007.