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Come Back to the 5 and Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean

Mar 3 - Mar 12, 1988
Written by Ed Graczyk
Directed by Amanda Sue Rudisill

Production Team

Scenic/Lighting Designer: B. C. Johnson
Costume Designer: Margaret Perry
Sound Designer: Philip West
Stage Manager: Marnie Lynn Kimberlin
Stage Fight Choreographer: Christopher Motta


Juanita: Jodi Julian
Mona: Laura Lynn Vechione
Mona (Then): Carol Lynne Damgen
Sissy: Sarah Elizabeth McNeil
Sissy (Then): Edie Emily Scriven
Joe: James Skovsen
Joanne: Deborah McLean
Stella May: Lisa M. Giere
Edna Louise: Amy Garvin
Radio Announcer: William L. Slout


Technical Director:

Robert W. King

Costume Supervisor:

Trudy Storm

Set Construction:

Renee Connor, Shirley Grant, Ronda Helander, Mark Hubbart, Kelly Larson, Kellie Lines, Robert Pfeffer, Tom Rey, Luther Reddick, Chris Smith, Joseph Syms, Abby Zurier

Costume Construction:

Liz Bolden, Marcia Fowler, Dee Frodsham, Trina Gopar, Olga Houston, Eloisa Rivera, Linda Scheetz, Robbie Warshaw, Anna Williams, Carol Woolery

Electrics Crew:

Kent Dans, Heather Devlin, Joe Garrison, Kathleen Hoffmaster, Amy Molla, Laura Vechione

Box Office:

Tina Catalfano

Lighting Operator:

Kelly Grenard

Assistant Lighting Operator:

Gray Scott

Sound Operator:

Matthew Webster

Sound Assistant:

Dan Robinson


Lisa Turner


Sara Carraza, Lisa Baer

Production Photography:

Carey B. Van Loon

Cast Deputy:

Amy Garvin

House Manager: Dana Frascis

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