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Jun 1 - Jun 10, 1990
Written by Moilére
Directed by Ronald E. Barnes

Production Team

Scenery and Costume Design: Margaret Perry
Lighting: Lee Jones


MME Pernelle, Orgon's mother: Lindsa MacDonald
Flipote, Her Maid: Ijeana Avila
Elimre, Orgon's Wife: Gina Brittain
Dorine, Mariane's ladies maid: Benita Anobes
Damis, Orgon's Son Elimre's stepson: William Shomph
Mariane, Orgon's daughter, Elmire's stepdaughter in love with Valere: Satcy Radford
Cleant, Orgon's Brother in law: Troy TerBest
Orgon, Elimire's Husband: Jim Skousen
Valere, in love with Mariane: Luke Hunt
Tartuffe, a Hypocrite: Matt Webster
M.Loyal, a Baliff: Graydon Toms
MME Louise de La Valliere Dutchess de Vaujours: Lisa Pertzborn


Stage Manager:

Paige Satter

Light Board Operator:

Jack Warshaw

Sound Operator:

Leslie Colern

Assistant Lighting Director:

Greg Renne

Stage Crew:

Timothy Luff, Marya Slater, Orin Smith

Wardrobe Crew:

Stacey Baker, Leslie Grimes, Mark William, Tanya Wong

Wig Mistress:

Val Limar

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