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Students Attend Third Annual Latina Leaders Actualizing Agency Conference

Students Attend Third Annual Latina Leaders Actualizing Agency Conference

LLAA conference 1

LLAA conference 2


The third annual Latina Leaders Actualizing Agency Conference was held on Nov. 17. This year, 76 participants attended the conference. Titled “EmpowerHer: Latina Leadership Unleashed,” the conference provided participants with the opportunity to connect with Latina leaders from the local area, who shared their personal stories and offered advice and encouragement to enhance students’ resilience, self-confidence, and understanding of how to navigate their educational and professional paths. 

The conference featured dynamic speakers and Comadre Discussion Group facilitators who engaged and empowered participants and encouraged them to pay it forward and lift up, mentor, and empower others.  

Melba Tellez, founder of Mujeres on the Rise, gave the morning keynote address, and Sabrina Gonzalez, Executive Director of the Civil Rights Institute of Inland Southern California, was the keynote speaker in the afternoon. 

A Latina CSUSB alumni panel discussion was conducted featuring Deborah Grijalva, Director of the School of Continuing Studies at the University of Redlands and board member of the CSUSB Latino Alumni Association; Karen Suarez, Vice President of the Collective Impact Making Hope Happen Foundation; and Maritza Gomez, founder of MG Custom Printing and former President of the National Associate of Women Business Owners of the Inland Empire. 

Participants engaged in roundtable discussions throughout the event. In the afternoon, attendees enjoyed lunch and a resource fair, where students had the opportunity to learn about the different departments in Student Affairs, campus resources and services, and how to get involved at CSUSB. 

Check out photos from the day on the Student Affairs Flickr