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2,500 Students Attend Annual Late Night

2,500 Students Attend Annual Late Night

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Students, faculty, and staff were invited to the annual Late Night event hosted by The Recreation and Wellness Department on Aug. 25 from 7-11 p.m. The annual back to school event provides students the opportunity to connect with peers, learn how to get more involved on campus, and have some fun as they return to campus for the fall semester. Approximately 2,500 students came out to the event. Attendees enjoyed a DJ, games, food, roller skating, school spirit, and more. 

This year, Late Night featured a club fair, where students learned about the different student clubs and organizations at CSUSB. 

"Late Night 2023 was a great time," said Matt Valdez, CSUSB alumni. "The laser tag, roller skating, and self-portrait drawings were my favorite parts."

The Recreation and Wellness Department distributed surveys to attendees and gained positive feedback about the event. 

  • 81% of respondents were more likely to visit the Student Recreation and Wellness Center as a result of attending Late Night
  • 88% of respondents created a positive connection to CSUSB because of attending Late Night, with 87% affirming that the event contributed to a successful first week on campus
  • At the club fair, 21 students joined a club, 94 students discovered a club they did not previously know about, and 100 students are considering joining a new club

To access information about The Recreation and Wellness Department, click here.