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EOP Students Awarded Ramos Family Endowed Scholarship Fund

EOP Students Awarded Ramos Family Endowed Scholarship Fund

EOP students

EOP students

The Ramos Family Endowed Scholarship Fund was awarded to three CSUSB students in the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP). The award recipients were honored at the third annual Ramos Family Endowed Scholarship Luncheon held at San Bernardino Valley College on April 14. A total of five students were awarded the scholarship. The event was an opportunity to recognize the award recipients and highlight their hard work. Led by Assemblymember James Ramos, the honorees were celebrated by members of their community and held up as examples of what determination can achieve. 

“Watching the students receive this recognition and award made me so proud,” said Reneisha Wilkes, EOP Renaissance Scholars Coordinator. “CSUSB EOP students made up the majority of the scholarship recipients, which was so heartwarming to see and have the scholarship committee highlight during the ceremony."

She added, “I'm so excited to see what these students accomplish in the future.”

In 2018, a gift of $50,000 was made by Assemblymember Ramos and his family to establish the endowed scholarship at Children’s Fund, a San Bernardino nonprofit whose mission is giving vulnerable children support, opportunity, and hope by breaking destructive cycles through community partnerships. The Ramos Family Endowed Scholarship Fund provides financial assistance to deserving homeless, transitional, unaccompanied, foster, former foster, extended foster, or other vulnerable youth, who are between the ages of 17 and 24. The fund supports students who are enrolled and/or accepted at a community college, university, or accredited vocational school located in San Bernardino County. 

To access information about the Educational Opportunity Program, click here.