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Get to Know ASI President Carson Fajardo

Get to Know ASI President Carson Fajardo


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Meet Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) President Carson Fajardo! He is a third-year Administration major with a concentration in Management. Carson became involved with ASI in October 2022, serving as the housing representative on the board of directors. 

“I really had the opportunity to thrive there, and being able to recognize the change that is able to be made within ASI was really enlightening, and I really found a passion for it,” said Carson.

Prior to ASI, Carson served as the Residence Hall Association (RHA) coordinator, where he found his passion for programming and advocating for students. RHA is the student government for CSUSB’s residential communities and provides students with a venue to share their needs, ideas, and concerns and advocates for residents on a departmental, university-wide, and national levels. Carson wanted to continue advocating for students, which led him to ASI. 

Last year, Carson was selected to attend the Cal State Student Association (CSSA) and was able to advocate for CSUSB students on a system-wide level in the CSU. That experience was a turning point for Carson in his leadership. He realized the power of his voice and wanted to continue using it to have a positive impact at CSUSB in the CSU system.

As ASI President, Carson advocates for all students and represents them on campus-wide committees within ASI. He takes great pride in serving as a voice for CSUSB students, communicating their needs and concerns to CSUSB staff, faculty, and at the CSSA meetings. Carson also serves as the CEO of ASI and leads the board of directors.

“I would say the main goal of ASI President is to represent all the voices on our campus and make them heard on a system-wide, a campus-wide, and a statewide scale.”

This year, a priority for Carson is to enhance student engagement, Coyote spirit, and campus connection at CSUSB.

“I want to continue to foster a family here on campus that continues to work together and create a vibrant community [at CSUSB],” said Carson.

According to Carson, ASI helps to develop students to be advocates and change makers on campus and in their communities. ASI is the student government at CSUSB that represents all students, but Carson believes there is more to ASI than just advocacy.

“[Advocacy] is a huge part of us, but we also do some of the best events and contribute to some of the best events on our campus,” said Carson. “So, whether it's advocating for [students’] needs or also giving them a fun time, I think we're able to do both those things, alongside of that are our resources.”

ASI provides the following resources and services to students at CSUSB: 

  • CAB Funding: The Club Allocation Budget offers funding to chartered campus clubs and organizations for on-campus events and conferences.
  • Graphic Design: The ASI Graphic Design team is made up of talented students who are skilled in providing thoughtful design solutions. The team offers design services for chartered student organizations and clubs on campus.
  • Programming: ASI hosts events to engage students in curricular and co-curricular activities that foster a sense of community and campus pride.
  • Howl Squad: ASI’s volunteer program offers CSUSB students a chance to get involved in ASI through various leadership opportunities. Students can choose to be part of the event planning process by helping with ASI events or participate in the governance process by serving as a student representative on campus-wide committees. 
  • Scholarships: As a commitment to academic success, ASI offers scholarships through its general fund as well as to the Athletic and Presidential Academic Scholars programs.
  • Coyote Garden: To support student wellness, ASI donates produce and vegetables from the garden to the Obershaw DEN to help provide healthy food options on campus.

Call the ASI office at 909-537-5932 or click the link below for more information. Stay connected and follow ASI on social media: FacebookInstagramTwitter, and YouTube

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