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ASI’s Graphic Department Provides Design Services to Student Clubs and Organizations

ASI’s Graphic Department Provides Design Services to Student Clubs and Organizations

ASI student Miguel

ASI student Nallely

The Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) Graphics Department provides design services for chartered student organizations and clubs at CSUSB. The team consists of three graphic design student assistants who create a variety of marketing materials, including posters, booklets, flyers, logos, and brochures. 

Miguel Millan, a first-year Communications Studies major with a concentration in Media Studies, has been a part of ASI's Graphics team for nearly eight months. As a student assistant, he creates promotional materials for ASI to expand its reach and get the word out about the department’s resources and services. 

“The best part of my job is seeing my work around campus,” said Miguel. “There is something about seeing your creative vision being showcased that's incredibly fulfilling, and I take pride in having my work all over school.”

Nallely Alvarado, a second-year Design Studies major, also joined the Graphics team eight months ago. 

“As a student assistant, I create digital and printed marketing to promote events and ASI,” said Nallely. “In collaboration with my team, I go through the process of defining requirements and visualizing and creating graphics, including illustrations, logos, and layouts.”

The usual turnaround time for projects is two weeks. However, more extensive projects may require additional time. 

In addition to design services, the Graphics Department works with student clubs and organizations to create an identity/logo and provide marketing ideas for events.

“The Associated Students, Inc., serves, empowers, and advocates on behalf of the students at California State University, San Bernardino through the representation of student interests and needs," said Nallely. "Please visit our website to find out the services we provide." 

To request services, students can submit an ASI Graphics and Multimedia Request form. For questions, email

Stay connected and follow ASI on social media: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.

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