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Special Collections & University Archives Reading Room Policy

The following guidelines have been established to ensure the security and preservation of materials held in Special Collections & University Archives.

General Guidelines

  • All materials are non-circulating and must be used in the reading room during normal operating hours. Materials cannot be checked out.
  • Food and drink are not permitted in the reading room.
  • Bags, backpacks, coats, and other personal belongings, except those necessary for research, must be stored in the provided area.
  • Pencils only, pens are not permitted.
  • Cell phones must be silenced. Patrons must leave the reading room to make or receive phone calls.
  • Cameras can be used, with the flash turned off, to photograph materials. Personal scanners are not permitted.

Using Materials

  • Use of materials is limited to one book or box on the table at a time.
  • When working with archival collections the existing order of documents, folders, and unbound materials must be maintained. Only one folder may be removed from a box at a time and should be returned to the same location it was taken from.
  • Materials must be kept flat on the table at all times. Please do not lean on, write on, mark, fold, erase, or place items on materials.
  • Gloves must be worn when using materials sensitive to damage from direct handling, such as photographs and negatives. Nitrile gloves (latex and powder free) will be provided.
  • Please let a staff member know when you have finished working. If you plan to return, we can hold materials under your name for one week.

Exceptions to these guidelines may be made by the staff on a case-by-case basis and are not applicable to other patrons or future visits. If you have any questions regarding these guidelines please consult a staff member.