Michelle Aguiar
Current Status:
1st year Grad Student
Public Speaking Experience:
As a graduate student in the communication department here at CSUSB, I have always been eager to present my ideas in classroom settings and lead discussions. Now that I am a Graduate Teaching Associate, I have been given the opportunity to teach my students exactly that. I help students break out of their shells and take steps towards progress through teaching them the material, and giving them a safe space to learn and practice.
Why I work for the Speaking Center at JHBC:
I work for the Speaking Center at JHBC because I want to help students grow and meet them wherever they may be in their public speaking journey. I also want to inspire them to learn the way my mentors and professors have inspired me.
My Consultant Philosophy:
My consultant philosophy can be perfectly explained through the words of Henry Ford, "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right". This quote often reminds me of the power of the mind and the importance of believing you can do anything you set your mind to. While good preparation is important, your thoughts influence your actions, and ultimately, your reality.