0:00:25.950,0:00:29.960 [Music] my name is Adrian Mora. I'm a graduate  student at Cal State San Bernardino and   0:00:31.000,0:00:37.280 I am currently doing my CIRM Bridges program at  Loma Linda University in the Dr Kerns Jonker lab   0:00:37.280,0:00:43.240 and the main focus in that lab is studying cardiac  regeneration, specifically using stem cells to   0:00:43.240,0:00:49.080 repair the damage caused by heart attacks. Hello  my name is Myra Silva. I'm a master student at   0:00:49.080,0:00:55.560 CSUSB I am currently in Dr Huinan Lui's Lab  at UCR. My main research project or goal is to   0:00:55.560,0:01:04.040 investigate the degradation and cytocompatibility  of bio Alloys in vitro. Hi my name is Nicole I'm   0:01:04.040,0:01:11.200 a CIRM Master student over here at CSUSB and my  lab is located at City of Hope. My research goal   0:01:11.200,0:01:17.600 is to knock out a protein to kind of see how that  impacts the metabolic functions of hematopoietic   0:01:17.600,0:01:23.120 stem cells and the clinical application for that  is bone marrow transplant. My name is Edgar Rolon   0:01:23.120,0:01:29.560 I am a graduate students at Dr. Talbots Lab at  UCR. My current research project is studying the   0:01:29.560,0:01:34.600 effect of electronic cigarettes on lung tissue.  What I've learned from CIRM is time management   0:01:34.600,0:01:39.600 and public speaking skills, since the has helped  me a lot my presentations now. Hi everyone my name   0:01:39.600,0:01:45.520 is Raphaella Melikian. I'm a master student in Dr  Kerns Jonker laboratory at Loma Linda University.   0:01:45.520,0:01:51.240 My CIRM experience has been a really good one,  I've learned what it takes to become a researcher   0:01:51.240,0:01:56.360 and a scientist, especially after working with  flies at Cal State San Bernardino to working   0:01:56.360,0:02:02.640 with human stem cells at Loma Linda University.  CIRM pretty much taught me to be very efficient   0:02:02.640,0:02:06.600 with my time management because you're supposed  to kind of cram everything all at once and so   0:02:06.600,0:02:12.280 you're constantly doing things. One of the big  experiences that my internship so far has taught   0:02:12.280,0:02:19.000 me is just how difficult and how much work goes  into developing a new therapy to help patients   0:02:19.000,0:02:26.920 around the world. My next steps for the future is  to enter an MD PhD program. The next steps that   0:02:26.920,0:02:30.960 I'll be taking after doing CIRM is that hopefully  I mean this was to pretty much get me that   0:02:30.960,0:02:35.600 clinical experience that I would potentially need  to enroll into some sort of Professional School   0:02:35.600,0:02:41.560 like a PA program um even do my PhD but I'm still  kind of seeing where I'm going to go from there.   0:02:43.440,0:02:48.440 The thing that I have learned that I want to do  after my internship is that I want to go into   0:02:48.440,0:02:54.760 Dentistry so I want to go into Dental School. My  next steps after this is to either go to PA school   0:02:54.760,0:03:08.120 or to continue your research in industry. After my  CIRM experience I hope to apply to medical school. 0:03:08.120,0:03:15.560 CIRM has been such a very successful and  meaningful program for our students because   0:03:15.560,0:03:23.160 after the training this Stem cell Scholars  end up uh going on to Professional School   0:03:23.160,0:03:30.120 like Medical School, vet school, dental  school, many of them have gone on to PhD   0:03:30.120,0:03:39.280 program some of them are already professors,  research technicians or working in industry,   0:03:39.280,0:03:50.400 in biofarma, in biotech companies. It has been a distinct pleasure to   0:03:50.400,0:03:59.960 have been the director of this program all this  years because I can see how it has made such a   0:03:59.960,0:04:30.200 profound difference in the life of our students. 0:04:30.200,0:04:40.600 [Music] 0:04:40.600,0:04:41.169 [Music] 0:04:41.169,0:04:41.738 [Music] 0:04:41.738,0:04:42.307 [Music]