Thora Giallouri
Assistant Professor
/ Pre-Law Advisor
Assistant Professor
Political Science
Fall '24 Office Hours:
Tues/Thurs 11AM-12PM in SB 123
Wed 11AM-12PM, on Zoom (email for link)
Faculty Advisor for Law Society Student Club, please email lawsociety.csusb@gmail.com for information or to be added to our listserv.
BA, Panteion University Of Social and Political Sciences
MA, California State University, Los Angeles
PhD, University of Southern California
PSCI 2030: Introduction to U.S. Government
PSCI 3280: Judicial Process
PSCI 4100: Constitutional Law
PSCI 4110: The Bill of Rights
PSCI 5350: Seminar in Constitutional Law
PSCI 5751/5752: Legal Internship
PSCI 5753: Judicial Internship
Research and Teaching Interests
Judicial Behavior
Judicial Politics
Interbranch Relations
Law, Politics, and Public Policy
Law and Society