Tandis Bidgoli
Office Hours
I earned my doctorate in Geology from the University of Kanas where I studied crustal deformation in the Basin and Range province of southern Nevada and southeastern California. Before joining CSUSB, I held faculty and research scientist appointments with the University of Missouri (2018-2022) and Kansas Geological Survey (2014-2018), respectively. My research focuses on evaluating temporal and spatial patterns of strain, with the goal of understanding the mechanisms and drivers of deformation and landscape evolution. As a Cal State University graduate myself, I am excited to join the CSUSB faculty and give back to the university system that was so critical in developing my interests in Geology and in shaping my own career.
Ph.D. (with Honors), Geology, University of Kansas, 2014
M.S., Geoscience, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2005
B.S., Geoscience, San Francisco State University, 2002
GEOL 1000 - Introductory Geology
GEOL 1000L - Introductory Geology Lab
GEOL 3600 - Structural Geology
GEOL 3903 - Advanced Field Geology
My research focuses on evaluating temporal and spatial patterns of strain, with the ultimate goal of understanding the mechanisms and drivers of deformation and landscape evolution. I do this by integrating fieldwork and structural analysis methods with geo- and thermochronology. My current research focuses on the Great Basin in California and Nevada, offshore basins in southern and eastern China (e.g., Peal River Mouth, Bohai Bay, and East China Sea Shelf basins), and the U.S. midcontinent in Kansas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas. In doing this work, I have a strong commitment to mentoring and training the next generation of scientists. I enjoy involving undergraduate and graduate students in various aspects of my research. Please contact me if you are interested in research opportunities.
Research and Teaching Interests
Structural Geology and Tectonics
Neotectonics and Natural Hazards
Geochronology and Thermochronology