Rosario Rizzo Lara
Rosario Rizzo was born and raised in Mexico. She is passionate about migration and human rights. She has lived and studied in different countries such as the US, Belgium, Germany, and Denmark. Her primary expertise is in Mexican and Central American migration. She is particularly interested in studying migration policy in Mexico and the US, the causes of migration, the effects of immigration enforcement, human rights violations and violence, and social movements.
Main publications include:
Rizzo Lara, R. (2022) Managing Irregularized Migration in Mexico: Rhetoric of a Renewed Approach. Journal of Borderland Studies. DOI: 10.1080/08865655.2022.2115391
Rizzo Lara, R. (2021) La Caminata del Migrante: a social movement, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 47:17, 3891-3910, DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2021.1940111
SOC 4510 Sociology of Migration
SOC 4200 Social Movements
SOC 5900 Seminar in Sociology: Hispanic, Latino, or Chicano? An Introduction to Latix Studies
2023 - Ph.D. in Migration and Modernity: Historical and Cultural Challenges, University of Kent and Freie Universitat Berlin
2012- M.A. in Latin American Studies, The University of Texas at Austin
2007- B.S. in International Business Management, Universidad Veracruzana