Robert Gardner
My name is Robert (Bob) Gardner. I have experience at all levels of government but most recently in local government as an elected official. After obtaining an MPA degree in 1975 from Syracuse University I spent most of my government career working for the Federal government in several different agencies in Washington, DC. These included the Office of Management and Budget in the Executive Office of the President, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Department of Justice Budget Office, the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Small Business Administration, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the Transportation Security Administration, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. I served in a number of positions in these agencies, all involving financial management and budgeting, and ranging from initially lower level budget analysts to eventually being the Chief Financial Officer at several agencies.
After leaving the Federal government in 2009, I spent almost six years at CSUSB as the Vice President for Finance and Administration. While in that job I also was elected to the City Council in Redlands, CA. In addition to teaching a few undergraduate political science courses over the years, I taught the CSUSB MPA Local Government Administration course in 2012, 2018-2021, and also the Public Finance course in 2010. I taught this course in Fall 2021 and Spring 2022.
I retired from CSUSB in 2014 and moved to the small community of June Lake in the Eastern Sierra. For two years after that I served as the Executive Director of the Eastern Sierra Interpretive Association, a non-profit which operates bookstores in the US Forest Service Visitor Centers in the Eastern Sierra. In late 2016 I was elected to a four year term on the Mono County Board of Supervisors, so I left the ESIA job. In March of 2020 I was elected to a second term on the Board of Supervisors. I have served as the Chair of that Board twice, in 2018 and in 2022.