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Reveka Shteynberg

Reveka Shteynberg

Assistant Professor | Assistant Director of Research & Policy, Center for the Study of Hate & Extremism | Research Fellow, John F. Finn Institute for Public Safety


Assistant Professor
Criminal Justice
Office Phone(909) 537-4581
Office LocationSB-209F


Ph.D., Criminal Justice, University at Albany, SUNY 
M.A., Criminal Justice, University at Albany, SUNY
B.A., Criminology, Law & Society, University of California, Irvine


CJUS 3320 - Theories of Crimes and Delinquency
CJUS 3370 - Law and Courts
CJUS 5580 - Juvenile Justice System
CJUS 5598 - Integrative Studies in Criminal Justice
CJUS 6605 - Proseminar in Criminal Justice

Research and Teaching Interests

Law and Courts:   Plea Bargaining and Adjudication, Bail and Pretrial Detention, Indigent Defense, Court Administration, Rural Courts, Problem-Solving Courts
Law Enforcement and Juvenile Justice:   Policing Juvenile Delinquency, Body-Worn Cameras
Program Implementation and Evaluation & Risk and Needs Assessments