Matthew Des Lauriers
Office Hours
In addition to having conducted ground-breaking research on the archaeology of Isla Cedros, Baja California. His first book, Island of Fogs (2010), based on that research, won the prestigious Book of the Year award from the Society for American Archaeology. His research focuses geographically on the archaeology of Western North America, especially its desert regions; thematically he works on issues of hunting and gathering populations, migration, human ecology, ancient technologies, and traditional knowledge systems. Prior to joining the faculty at CSUSB, Dr. Des Lauriers was part of the CSU, Northridge faculty in Anthropology for 15 years. Further strengthening the graduate program in Applied Archaeology, getting students involved in research, and enhancing the community outreach of the program are all near-term goals for Dr. Des Lauriers at CSUSB.
1999 B.A. in Anthropology; California State University, Bakersfield
2001 M.A. in Anthropology; University of California, Riverside
2005 Ph.D in Anthropology; University of California, Riverside
Anthropology 6013 Cultural Resources Laws, Ethics, and Procedures
Anthropology 3014R/6003 California Archaeology
Coastal Archaeology of Baja California
Initial Arrival of Humans in the Americas
Rapid Environmental Change in Arid Environments
Human Migration
Landscape Learning
Transmission of Knowledge
Research and Teaching Interests
The TWO Californias (Baja and Alta)
Lithic Technology
Peopling of the New World
Mojave Desert
The Great Basin
Cultural Resource Management
Challenging Orthodoxy