Laurie Smith
Laurie Smith is the Director of the School of Social Work at CSUSB.Dr. Smith received her MSW from the University of Minnesota. Her post-MSW experience included working in a family and children's service agency providing group work services to children in public schools and supervision and program evaluation for the Teen Outreach Program, a nationally replicated program to prevent at-risk teens from dropping out or experiencing early pregnancy.The focus of her Ph.D. studies was HIV/AIDS and for three years she was the recipient of a National Institute of Mental Health AIDS Trainee Fellowship. Her dissertation was on power differences between females and males in negotiating sexual activities.Previous to coming to CSUSB, Dr. Smith taught at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
Ph.D. - University of California, Los Angeles
Research and Teaching Interests
HIV/AIDS Prevention and Services
Service Learning
Independent Living Programs
Technology in Social Work Education