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Lasisi Ajayi

Lasisi Ajayi

Faculty Overload - TEF Comm. Event , Department Chair


Faculty Overload - TEF Comm. Event
UEC - Miscellaneous Projects & Grants
Office Phone(909) 537-7603
Office LocationCE-266
Department Chair
Teacher Education and Foundation
Office Phone(909) 537-3640
Office LocationCE-261B

Office Hours

Monday: 2:00 pm-3:00 pm
Thursday: 3:00 pm-4:00 pm


Dr. Lasisi Ajayi is a Professor of Literacy/Language Education and Chair of the Department of Teacher Education and Foundations, James R. Watson & Judy Rodriguez Watson College of Education (WRWCOE), California State San Bernardino. Dr. Ajayi has served in different academic leadership positions, including serving as a Program Coordinator of the MA in Reading/Language Arts program, Multiple Subject Credential Program, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), WCOE Dean’s Fellow, Interim Chair of TEF Department, and Permanent Department Chair. Dr. Ajayi is also a productive researcher who has published more than 50 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters in multimedia/multimodal literacies, critical literacy, social justice teaching, and teacher preparation. Researchers worldwide cite his publications.


  • 1996    Ph. D. in Language/Literacy Education, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
  • 1989    M.A in Teaching English as a Second Language, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife, Nigeria
  • 1983    B.A. English Education, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife, Nigeria
  • 2001    Teaching Credential in Reading/Language Arts, CSU Dominguez Hills 


Literacy/Language Education

Research and Teaching Interests


2017 - 2016


  • Ajayi, L. (2014). English language arts teachers’ perspectives on the Common Core State Standards and their impacts on teaching strategies and classroom practices. Proceedings and Abstracts of the 26th Japan-U.S. Teacher Education Consortium (p. 10). Tokyo: Tokyo Gakugei University, Tokyo, Japan, September 18–21.
  • Ajayi, L. (2014). Challenges English language arts teachers face in integrating new media into instruction. Proceedings and Abstracts of the 26th Japan-U.S. Teacher Education Consortium (p. 12). Tokyo Gakugei University, Tokyo, Sept. 18– 21.
  • Ajayi, L. (2014). Effectiveness of Performance Assessment for California Teachers (PACT) as a tool for evaluating English-language arts teacher candidates’ skills and knowledge to teach. Policy Analysis for California Education, Copy:, posted on July 15, 2014.
  • Ajayi, L. (2014). Performance assessment for California teachers and English-language Arts candidates in a rural border community. The Educational Forum, 78(2), 275–290. Peer Review, Blind Review, 35% Acceptance Rate. Copy:
  • Ajayi, L. (2014). Investigating effective teaching methods for a place-based teacher Preparation in a rural community. Educational Research for Policy & Practice, 13(3), 251–268. Peer Review, Blind Review, 21-30% Acceptance Rate. Copy:

  • Ajayi, L. (2013). New media needs assessment of faculty. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 3(17), p.77–88. Peer Review, Blind Review. Copy:
  • Ajayi, L. (2013). How female Nigerian high school students use multimodal literacies to Critique cultural and social practices in the classroom. International Journal of Gender & Development Issues, 1(1), p. 189–203. Peer Review, Blind Review, 20% Acceptance Rate.
  • Ajayi, L. (2013). Exploring how school contexts mediate intern teacher learning in under-served rural schools. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 33(4), p. 444–460. Peer Review, Blind Review, 14% Acceptance Rate. Copy:
  • Ajayi, L. (2013). Teachers’ perceptions of integrating new media into English-Language Arts into Instruction. Proceedings and Abstracts of the 25th Japan-U.S. Teacher Education Conference (p. 12). Tacoma: University of Puget Sound.
  • Ajayi, L. (2013). Teaching vocabulary to English language learners. Proceedings and Abstracts of the 25th Japan-U.S. Teacher Education Conference (p. 33). Tacoma: University of Puget Sound.

2011 - 2010

  • Ajayi, L. (2011). A multiliteracies pedagogy: Exploring semiotic possibilities of a Disney Video in a third-grade diverse classroom. The Urban Review, 43(3), 396–413. Peer Review; Blind Review; 6–10% Acceptance Rate. Copy:
  • Ajayi, L. (2011). Exploring how ESL teachers relate their ethnic and social backgrounds to practice. Race, Ethnicity and Education, 14(2), 253–275. Peer/Blind Review; 6–10% Acceptance Rate.
  • Ajayi, L. (2011). Preservice teachers’ knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of their preparation to teach multimodality/multiliteracies. The Teacher Educator, 46(1), 6–31. Peer Review; Blind Review, 21–30% Acceptance Rate. Copy:
  • Ajayi, L. (2011). How ESL teachers’ sociocultural identities mediate their teacher role Identities in a diverse urban school setting. The Urban Review, 43(5), 654–680. Peer Review; Blind Review; 6–10% Acceptance Rate. Copy:
  • Ajayi, L. (2010). How Asynchronous Discussion Board Mediates Learning Literacy Methods Courses to Enrich Alternative Licensed Teachers’ Learning Experiences. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 43(1), 1–28. Peer Review; Blind Review; 15% Acceptance Rate.
  • Ajayi, L. (2010). Evidence-Based Practice and Videotape: How Alternative Licensed Teachers Use Video Observation and Analysis for Reflective Teaching. The 22nd JUSTEC Conference 2010 in Tokyo Proceedings (p. 104–106). Peer/Blind Review.
  • Lee, S. & Ajayi, L. (2010). A Critical Analysis of Teaching Performance Assessment and Its Implications on Teacher Education Curricula and Instruction. The 22nd JUSTEC Conference 2010 in Tokyo Proceedings. Peer Review; Blind Review.
2009 - 2008

  • Ajayi, L. (2009). An Exploration of Preservice Teachers’ Perceptions of Learning to Teach While Using Asynchronous Discussion Board. Educational Technology and Society, 12 (2), 86–100. Peer Review; Blind Review; 11–20% Acceptance Rate. Copy:
  • Ajayi, L. (2009). English as a Second Language Learners’ Exploration of Multimodal Texts in a Junior High School. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 52(7), 585–595. Peer Review; Blind Review; 20–30% Acceptance Rate. Copy:
  • Ajayi, L. (2008). ESL Theory-Practice Dynamics: The Difficulty of Integrating Sociocultural Perspectives into Pedagogical Practices. Foreign Language Annals, 41(4), 637–657. Peer Review; Blind Review; 11–20 % Acceptance Rate.
  • Ajayi, L. (2008). Meaning Negotiation, Multimodal Representation and Transformative Pedagogy: An Exploration of Word-Meaning Instructional Practices in an ESL Middle School Classroom. Journal of Language, Identity, and Education, 7(3/4), 206–229. Peer Review; Blind Review; Acceptance Rate not stated. Copy:
2007 - 2005

  • Lee, S., Ajayi, L. & Richards, R. (2007). Teachers’ perceptions of the Efficacy of the Open Court program for English proficient and English language learners Teacher Education Quarterly, 34(3), 19–33. Peer Review; Blind Review; 11–13% Acceptance Rate.
  • Ajayi, L (2007). Literacy and SDAIE Instruction: Practice Activities for Pre-Service Teachers. San Diego: Montezuma Publishing.
  • Ajayi, L. (2006). Bridging the Gap between University Supervisors and Hispanic Students’ Interpretation of English Language Development Teaching Practices during Intern Teacher Fieldwork Supervision in Inner-city Middle Schools of Los Angeles. Education, 126(4), 678 – 689. Editorial Review; 50% Acceptance Rate.
  • Ajayi, L. & Lee, S. (2006). Perceptual Difference between Intern Teachers and University Supervisors on the Expectations and Preferences for the Fieldwork Program. Education, 126(2), 259 – 274. Editorial Review; 50% Acceptance Rate.
  • Ajayi, L. (2006). Multiple Voices, Multiple Realities: Self-defined Images of Self among Middle School Hispanic English Language Learners. Education, 126(3), 468 – 480.Editorial Review; 50% Acceptance Rate.
  • Ajayi, L. (2005). A Sociocultural Perspective: Language Arts Framework, Vocabulary Activities and English Language Learners in a Mixed Second Grade Classroom. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 32(3), 180 – 195.
  • Ajayi, L. (2005). Teachers’ Needs and Pre-designed Pedagogical Practices: An Analysis of a Language Arts Coursebook for a Second Grade Class. Reading Improvement, 42(4), 200 –211. Peer Review; Blind Review; 48% Acceptance Rate.
2003 - 2002

  • Lee, S. K. & Ajayi, L. (2003). A Survey of Contemporary Issues in Language Acquisition and Learning. In Lee, S. & Lalas, J. (Eds.): Language, Literacy, and Academic Development for English Language Learners (12–33). Boston, MA: Pearson Education Company.
  • Ajayi, L. (2003). Psycho-Affective Factors in Second Language Development. In Lee, S. & Lalas, J. (Eds.): Language, Literacy, and Academic Development for English Language Learners (34–49). Boston, MA: Pearson Education Company.
  • Lee, S. K. & Ajayi, L. (2003). Socio-Cultural Factors in Second Language Development. In Lee, S. & Lalas, J. (Eds.): Language, Literacy, and Academic Development for English Language Learners (50–67). Boston, MA: Pearson Education Company.
  • Ajayi, L. (2003). Second/Foreign Language Teaching Methods. In Lee, S. & Lalas, J. (Eds.): Language, Literacy, and Academic Development for English Language Learners (68–93). Boston, MA: Pearson Education Company.
  • Ajayi, L. (2002). Newspaper as Enrichment Material for Enhancing Students’ Performance in English. In Lawal, A., Isiugo-Abanihe, I. & Ohia, I. N. (Eds.): Perspectives on Applied Linguistics in Language and Literature (229–240). Ibadan: Stirling-Horden Publisher (Nig.) Ltd.
1998 - 1989

  • Ajayi, L. (1998). The Adequacy of Pupils' Preparation to Learn Social Studies in English After Transition from Mother-tongue to English in Oyo State Public Primary School. Journal of Vocational Studies, Arts and Social Studies, 1(1), 27–35.
  • Ajayi, L. (1992). A Comparative Study of Students' Performances in English and Sciences. Journal of the School of Arts, 1(1), 85–108.
  • Ajayi, L. (1991). An Assessment of the Reading Skill Components of The Use of English: A Text to the Technology Students of the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. Reading Association of Nigeria, 5, 28 –289.
  • Ajayi, L. (1991). Needs Analysis of Agriculture and Technology Students. In Ubahakwe, E. (Ed.). Needs Analysis of Communication Skills in Nigerian Universities: A Source Book (47–62). Ibadan, Nigeria: University of Ibadan Press.
  • Ajayi, L. (1989). Towards the Relevance of English for Academic Purposes in the Nigerian University. In Oladeji, N. (Ed.): The Theory and Practice of Communicative Skills in Nigeria. Ile Ife, Nigeria: Obafemi Awolowo University Press.