Jeremy Murray
Office Hours
Jeremy Murray teaches and writes about modern China and US-China relations, and has published work on Hainan island, Asian cultural traditions, and pop culture. With Tiffany Jones, he serves as faculty co-advisor for the award-winning student-run history journal, History in the Making. He coordinates the CSUSB Modern China Lecture Series and helps coordinate the CSUSB Conversations on Race and Policing and the Disability Studies Lecture Series. His books include China's Lonely Revolution: The Local Communist Movement of Hainan Island, 1926-1956 (SUNY, 2017), Asian Cultural Traditions (with Carolyn Brown Heinz, Waveland, 2019), and China Tripping: Encountering the Everyday in the People's Republic (with Perry Link and Paul Pickowicz, Rowman & Littlefield, 2019). He was a Wilson Center China Fellow for the 2022-23 year.
Email jmurray@csusb.edu for office hours or Zoom appointment.
Find the "China Tripping" audiobook here
University of California, San Diego, PhD, Modern Chinese History
Columbia University, MA, East Asian Languages and Cultures
State University of New York, Albany, BA, East Asian Studies
HIST 1400 World Civilizations II (ca. 500 BCE to ca. 1500 CE)
HIST 4260 Ancient and Early Imperial China
HIST 4280 Medieval China
HIST 4290 Modern China I: 1644-1911
HIST 4310 Modern China II: 1911-present
HIST 4330 Modern Chinese History in Fiction and Film
HIST 4350 World War II in the Pacific
SSCI 3010 Revolutions and Revolutionary Ideas
CAL 3888 Asian Humanities in a Globalized World
HIST 5840 Proseminar in History
HIST 5850 Research Seminar in History
HIST 6001 Historical Thinking and Research (Master’s Program Seminar)
Research and Teaching Interests
Modern China, Hainan, Marginal Histories of China, Island Histories, Film and Popular Culture in History, Asian History and Culture