Jessica L Luck
Ph.D. English Literature, Indiana University
M.A. English Literature Wake Forest University
M.S. Teaching and Curriculum, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
B.A. English, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Graduate Literature & Theory Courses
Critical Approaches to Literature – English 6000
Poetic Sound and Performance – English 6010
Poetry and Disability – English 6010
Experimental Poetry and Poetics – English 6010
Undergraduate Literature & Theory Courses
Disability in Literary Study – English 5150
Garbage in Contemporary Literature – English 5150
Experimental Poetry and Poetics – English 4400
Post-War American Poetries – English 4430
Modern American Poetry – English 4420
Confessional Poetry – English 4400
Poetry and the Brain – English 4230
Literary Theory and Criticism – English 3750
Historical Approaches to American Literature – English 2250
Poetry and Disability – English 3190
Analysis of Poetry & Drama – English 3010
Contemporary American Poetry, Experimental Poetry and Poetics, Disability Studies
Research and Teaching Interests
Poetics of Cognition: Thinking through Experimental Poems (2023) University of Iowa Press, series on Contemporary North American Poetry.
"Prosthetic Poetics: Contemporary Poetry of Disability," chapter in The Bloomsbury Handbook of Contemporary American Poetry, 2023, edited by Steven Axelrod and Craig Svonkin.
“Proprio-spection: The Poetics of Medical Imaging.” Amodern 10: Disability Poetics Issue, December 2020.
Review of Letters to Jargon: The Correspondence Between Larry Eigner & Jonathan Williams by Andrew Rippeon. Wordgathering: A Journal of Disability Poetry and Literature. 13. (2019).
“New Aesthetic Criticism: Lyric Poetry and the Brain.” Book review of Lyric Poetry and the Brain by Nikki Skillman. Contemporary Literature 57.4 (2016).
“Isn’t the Pedagogical Always Avant-Garde?” Cluster on Teaching Modern Poetry at Modernism/Modernity’s Print Plus platform. March 2, 2016.
“Larry Eigner and the Phenomenology of Projected Verse.” Contemporary Literature 53.3 (2012): 461-92. Winner of the L.S. Dembo Prize for the best article published in the journal in 2012.
“Crossing the Corpus Callosum: The Musical Phenomenology of Lisa Jarnot.” Reading the Difficulties: Dialogues with Contemporary Innovative Poetry. Eds Thomas Fink and Judith Halden-Sullivan. University of Alabama Press, 2014.
“Lyric Underheard: The Printed Voice of Laura Redden Searing.” Special issue on “Women Writing Disability.” Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers 30.1 (2013): 62-81.
“Disability, Poetry, Pedagogy.” Wordgathering: A Journal of Disability Poetry and Literature 4.2 (2010).
“Sound Mind: Josephine Dickinson’s Deaf Poetics.” Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature 42.1 (2009). 169-82.
“Entries on a Post-Language Poetics in Harryette Mullen’s Dictionary.” Contemporary Literature 49.3 (2008): 357-82.
“Exploring ‘the mind of the hive’: Embodied Cognition in Sylvia Plath’s Bee Poems.” Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature 26.2 (2007). 287-308.