Jonathan L. Hall
Dr. Jonathan L. Hall earned his Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Science Education at the University of Central Florida and his Master's Degree in Higher Education at the University of West Florida (UWF). His last position was the Curriculum Specialist and Activity Directory for the STEM Success Program at the University of West Florida. Through solid collaborations, he conducts research and facilitates programs focused on social justice in STEM education. During his first year at CSUSB, he hopes to work with faculty, administrators, and educators in supporting inclusive STEM learning communities.
Ph.D., Science Education - University of Central Florida - August 2018
M.Ed., College Student Personnel Administration - University of West Florida - May 2014
B.S., Secondary Education for Broadfield Natural Science, Minor: Biology; Emphasis: Earth and Space Sciences - University of Wisconsin Oshkosh - December 2010
University of Wisconsin - Washington County
Research and Teaching Interests
Most recent publications:
Swann, L. E., Hall, J. L., Vaccaro-Garska, K., Seals, S. R., & Benz, P. P. (2023) Development and implementation of an undergraduate STEM peer coaching program. Journal of College Science Teaching, 52(7). 43-49.
Hall, J. L., & Butler, M. B. (2022). Much to do about identity: Successful women in science reflect on their school years. School Science and Mathematics, 1– 12. https://doi.org/10.1111/ssm.12544
Hall, J. L., Whitaker, K. R., Seals, S., & Benz, P. (2022). Building a community of practice: A case study of introductory college chemistry students. Journal of STEM Education Research. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41979-022-00073-7
Gao, S., Hall, J. L., Grysko, R., & Zygouris-Coe, V. I. (2022). Learning to teach science through an integrated disciplinary literacy science methods course: Examinations of elementary preservice teachers’ lesson plans and reflections. Electronic Journal for Research in Science & Mathematics Education, 26(1), 33-55. https://ejrsme.icrsme.com/article/view/21771