Janine Kremling
Criminal Justice
2010 Ph.D., Criminology, University of South Florida 2004 M.A., Criminology, University of South Florida 2001 M.A. Sociology, University of Leipzig, Germany
CJUS 1101 Introduction to the Criminal Justice System
CJUS 3330 Correctional Theory and Institutions
CJUS 3312 Statistics in Criminal Justice
CJUS 5556 Transnational Organized Crime
CJUS 3304 Criminal Procedure
CJUS 3370 Law and the Courts
Research and Teaching Interests
Substance use disorders and criminal behaviors Assessment and evaluation of co-occurring mental and substance use disorders in the justice system Evaluation of treatment efficacy in drug courts The impact of discrimination and arbitrariness in capital sentencing decisions Cybercrime and Cybersecurity Metacognition and behavior changes.