Jo Anna Grant
Office Hours
Jo Anna Grant a Professor in Communication Studies interested in instructional communication, educational development, and GTA preparation and mentoring. She is a seasoned expert in quality online teaching, having developed one of the first fully online public speaking courses in the US. She has consulted with McGraw-Hill Education in the creation and revision of their online tool for public speaking. She holds several credentials for quality course design and effective teaching: Quality Matters (QM), Quality Learning and Teaching (QLT), and Effective College Teaching Practices (ACUE/ACE). She is the former Director of CSUSB’s Teaching Resource Center, where she helped faculty improve their teaching using evidence-based strategies. She is also a proud alumna of the HERS Leadership Institute.
Currently, Jo Anna is the Graduate Teaching Associate (GTA) Coordinator for the Department of Communication Studies. In this role, she works with graduate students independently teaching their own classes to implement proven practices to increase student learning in online and in-person teaching. She also participates in many campus and system-wide initiatives around accreditation, high impact practices, supporting first-generation and undocumented students, semester conversion, and many others.
Undergraduate Classes:
- Oral Communication (online and face to face) COMM 1006
- Introduction to Communication Studies COMM 2101
- Practicum in Relational & Organizational Communication (Topic: Training & Development) COMM 2291
- Persuasion COMM 3212
- Communication Research Methods COMM 4102
- Classroom Communication COMM 4231
- Advanced Topics in Relational & Organizational Communication (Topic: Health Communication) COMM 5267
Graduate Classes:
- Communication Theory COMM 6001
- Quantitative Research Methods COMM 6002
- Instructional Communication COMM 6030
- Special Topics in Interpersonal Communication (Topic: Family Communication in Crisis) COMM 6092
Educational Development, Health Communication, Communication and Aging, Interpersonal Communication, Instructional Communication
Research and Teaching Interests
My research interests center around the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), Interpersonal Communication, Aging, and Health. Currently I am collaborating with groups of scholars to create and apply new models and tools in the field of educational development. I teach classes in Instructional and Classroom Communication, Persuasion, Relational Communication, Research Methods, Communication Theory, and Health Communication.