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Herbert Shon

Herbert Pedro Shon

Assistant Professor,


Assistant Professor
Social Work, School of
Office Phone(909) 537-5532
Office LocationSB-407
UEC - Miscellaneous Projects & Grants
Office Phone(909) 537-5532
Office LocationSB-407


Dr. Shon is an assistant professor and served as the School of Social Work Graduate Coordinator and serves as the BASW Field Education Coordinator. He has taught in the MSW research methods sequence, MSW Human Behavior and the Social Environment sequence, MSW micro and mezzo practice courses, supervises MSW research projects, and has taught the senior-level undergraduate social work practice sequence. He is a native Southern Californian and earned his B.A. in Political Science from CSULA, and his MSW and Ph.D. in Social Welfare from UCLA. Dr. Shon's professional experience includes psychiatric, medical, gerontological, and hospice social work, as well as program development and administration, and health services research. He has served as a Subject Matter Expert to the California Board of Behavioral Sciences, Educational Consultant to the California Southland Chapter of the Alzheimer's Association, and as Chair and Vice-Chair on the Senior Citizen Commission for the City of South Pasadena, CA.