Eun-Ok Baek
Ph.D., Instructional Systems Technology, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, 2002.
M.S. Ed., Instructional Systems Technology, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, 2001.
M.Ed., Elementary Education, Korea National University of Education, South Korea, 1993.
B.Ed., Elementary Education – Language Arts, Chinju National University of Education, South Korea, 1987.
ETEC500: Foundations in Instructional Technology
This course used a project-based approach, a role-play game, and a collaborative team approach in hybrid learning environments. In order to facilitate dynamic communication among the class members, not only the face-to-face meetings but also asynchronous (discussion board) and synchronous (chat) meetings were held.
ETEC501: Foundations of E-Learning
This course introduced students to e-Learning, provide an overview of e-Learning history, theories, research trends and issues, as well as current technologies. The course will allow students to develop theoretical foundations for e-Learning.
ETEC 542D. Seminar in Instructional Technology
This course is an intensive study of topics and problems in education. May be repeated for credit as subject matter changes and with consent of instructor. Prerequisite: graduate standing or consent of instructor. (Credit to be arranged: 1 to 4 units)
ETEC546: Computer Based Technology in Education II
The course employed demonstrations and project-based hands on activities in which K-12 teachers in the credential programs to learn how to incorporate technology into their teaching.
ETEC644: Design and Development of Instructional Materials II
This course introduced participants to the systems approach to instructional design. The major components of instructional development models are presented. This course provides introductory information, and application of skills and techniques necessary for the analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation of instruction (often referred to as the ADDIE framework). Students were engaged in the design and development of instructional materials.
ETEC 676 Advanced Topics in Instructional Technology- Flash: Animation on Web
The class activities utilized a project-based approach to help student learn not only functionalities of Flash but also how Flash projects can be incorporated in curriculum. The project ideas were primarily drawn from students needs identified in the first class meeting (Flashcard, Interactive Quizzes, and Introduction page of a Website etc.).
ETEC 676 Advanced Topics in Instructional Technology- Dreamweaver
This course was designed to help students learn to create simple webpages as well as dynamic and comprehensive websites through various hands-on practices. While this course places a strong emphasis on each student’s ownership in his/her learning, it also stresses students’ collaborative inquiry-based learning and critical thinking in the ETEC676D learning community.
ETEC692: Practicum in Educational Technology
This course applied a service learning approach to provide students with opportunities in which they can apply educational technology theories in field settings.
Instructional Design and Technology
Research and Teaching Interests
Exploring what technology can do for the support of learning and performance, and specifically, the designing of online learning communities, technology integration in education, culturally relevant STEM education, and the exploration of social-cultural understandings of the adoption of technology