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Douglas Smith

Douglas Smith

Department Chair , Professor


Department Chair
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Office Phone(909) 537-3313
Office LocationCS-204B
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Office Phone(909) 537-5387
Office LocationCS-214


Douglas Smith obtained a B.A. in Chemistry from Wittenberg University in 1988 and a Ph.D. in synthetic organic chemistry from Purdue University in 1994. He was a Dreyfus post-doctoral fellow and a visiting Assistant Professor at Eastern Illinois University from 1993 to 1995. He has been at CSUSB since 1995.


Dr. Smith has taught the lower division organic chemistry sequence, the organic chemistry course for health science and nursing majors, intermediate organic chemistry, chemistry seminar, special projects in chemistry, advanced laboratory techniques, independent study, internships in chemistry, and a special topics course in medicinal chemistry. Smith has also served as the faculty advisor to the Chemistry Club from 1997 to present. Smith is a member of the American Chemical Society and the ACS Division of Organic Chemistry. He is also a member of The American Society of Pharmacognosy and the Council of Undergraduate Research.

Research and Teaching Interests

Dr. Smith's research interests lie in the areas of asymmetric synthesis, heterocyclic chemistry, medicinal chemistry, and natural product isolation.