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Caroline Vickers

Caroline Vickers

Dean of Graduate Studies


Dean of Graduate Studies
Graduate Studies
Office Phone(909) 537-4338
Office LocationCE-356B


Caroline H. Vickers is Associate Professor in the Department of English at California State University, San Bernardino. Her main interests include discourse analysis, language and identity, language and power, medical discourse, narrative, second language socialization, and sociolinguistics. Her research generally focuses on communicative situations in institutional settings that involve interactions between people with divergent histories and embodied experiences in the world. Her work has been published in the Communication & Medicine, Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, Journal of Pragmatics, Modern Language Journal, International Journal of Applied Linguistics, English Language Teaching Journal, Arizona Working Papers in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching, and in the volume, Methods in Cognitive Linguistics, John Benjamins, 2007. In addition, Dr. Vickers has presented her work both nationally and internationally. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics: Society and Identity, which Dr. Vickers co-authored with Dr. Sharon Deckert, will be published by Continuum Press in 2011.

Dr. Vickers’ current research, which focuses on bilingual medical consultations, is funded by the National Institute for Nursing Research. She is also a fellow with the Center for the Promotion of Health Disparities Research & Training at California State University, San Bernardino, where she is engaged in interdisciplinary research on health disparities in Southern California.


Ph.D. University of Arizona, 2004 M.S. Georgetown University, 1997 B.A. University of Georgia, 1994


English 311, Introduction to the English Language

English 312, Theories of Language Acquisition

English 420, English Grammar I

English 523, English Grammar II

English 524, Sociolinguistics

English 526, Phonetics and Phonology

English 615, Discourse Analysis

English 619, Second Language Acquisition

English 625, TESL Methods in Listening and Speaking


Applied Linguistics, Second Language Studies

Research and Teaching Interests

Language and Identity, Linguistic Landscape, Medical Discourse, Second Language Acquisition and Socialization.

My research focuses on language socialization in communities of practice, multilingual discourse in the medical context, and constructions of social inequity in the linguistic landscape and built environment.

Recent Representative Publications:

Vickers, C., Deckert, S., & Goble, R. (2015). Third party interaction in the medical context: Code-switching and control. Journal of Pragmatics, 84, 154-171.

Vickers, C., Lindfelt, C., & Greer, M. (2015). The co-influence of the natural, built, and linguistic landscape: Indexing safety and security. Language Policy,15(1), 25-47.

Vickers, C., Deckert, S., & Goble, R. (2014). Constructing language normativity through the animation of stance in Spanish language medical consultations. Health Communication, 29(7), 707-716.

Vickers, C., & Deckert, S. (2013). Sewing empowerment: Examining multiple identity shifts as a Mexican immigrant woman develops expertise in a sewing cooperative community of practice. Journal of Language, Identity, and Education, 12(2), 116-135.

Vickers, C., Goble, R., & Lindfelt, C. (2012). Narrative co-construction in the medical consultation: How agency and control affect the diagnosis. Communication & Medicine, 9(2), 159-171.

Vickers, C., Deckert, S., Smith, W., & Morones, J. (2012). Who’s the expert here? Shifts in the powerful identity in a sewing cooperative community of practice. Sociolinguistic Studies, 6(3), 421-444.