Carmen Beck
My education began in Lima, Peru, where I was born. I attended the University of Lima and completed two years of General Studies. After I immigrated to the United States, I obtained a Bachelor of Science in Liberal Studies at the University of Redlands. I later received a Master of Arts in Literacy and English Language Development from Azusa Pacific University. Soon after, I obtained an Administrative Services Credential from the same university. I earned a doctorate in Educational Leadership also at Azusa Pacific University.
I am an Assistant Professor in the Educational Leadership Department at CalState San Bernardino. My role is to teach classes and help coordinate and plan the education of teachers who want to become new administrators. It is exciting to prepare the next generation of equity leaders!
During my last assignment in K-12, I worked with a dedicated and dynamic group of individuals focused on student achievement while serving as the Chief Academic Officer at Inglewood USD. We ensured that our 8,700 students had the best education possible. We finalized and started implementing a strategic plan, developed curriculum guides for k-6, and improved English Learner reclassification by 20%. While there, I also earned the certification for Chief Innovation Officer from Education Innovation Alliance and participated in the EL Roadmap workgroup, where we created the policy for English Learners.
I led many programs in my prior assignment as the Director of Curriculum/Instruction and Academic Enrichment for the San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools. I had the opportunity to meet many educational experts. Serving 33 districts gave me the opportunity to co-learn the new LCAP system, collaborate in man plans, and, most importantly, build relationships across the county and state. As an administrator at San Bernardino City USD, I gained an exceptional background in curriculum, instruction, assessment, PBIS, MTSS, and leadership development.
As a contributor to the field of education for over 25 years, I have served in many different roles, such as bilingual paraprofessional, teacher, college professor, middle school vice principal, principal, and director. I have been fortunate to work alongside other leaders, mentors, dedicated staff, students, and parents to provide the best service possible to students.
Now as an Assistant Professor at CSUSB, my research focus is social justice and educational leadership. I work alongside many dedicated educators that are building future educational leaders.
My professional focus continues to be making student learning a priority and a guide for all instructional decisions.
2009 Clear Administrative Credential, State of California
2003 Preliminary Administrative Services Credential, State of California
1999 Clear Teaching Credential, State of California
1996 BCLAD, State of California
1995 Basic Teaching Credential, State of California
2021 CSU Advanced QLT Course in Teaching Online, Certificate
2020 Effective Teaching Practices Certificate, ACUE
2020 CSU Introduction to Teaching Online Using QLT Certificate
2018 - 2019 Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents (ALAS), Superintendent Leadership Academy
2016 - 2017 Education Innovation Alliance, Chief Innovation Officer Certificate
2015 - 2016 ACSA, Superintendent’s Academy
2014 AZUSA PACIFIC UNIVERSITY, Azusa, California
Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership
2006 AB 75; Modules I & III; Principal Training Program
Bi-literacy Specialist Certificate
2001 AZUSA PACIFIC UNIVERSITY, Azusa, California
Tier I Administrative Services Credential
1997 Master of Arts, Literacy and English Language Development
1995 UNIVERSITY OF REDLANDS, Redlands, California
Bachelor of Arts, Liberal Studies; Basic Teaching Credential
EADM 6610. Educational Supervision and Teacher Development. Units: 3
Semester Prerequisite: Admission to the Educational Administration Program or consent of the program coordinator. Quarter Prerequisite: Admission to the Educational Administration Program or consent of the program coordinator
Presents theories, models, and practices for educational supervision including developmental and clinical supervision, cognitive coaching techniques, communicating policies for improving student achievement, and promoting the school. This class will include a practicum for the Administrative Services Preliminary Credential. Formerly known as EADM 610.
EADM 6622. Curriculum, Programs, and Assessment. Units: 4
Semester Prerequisite: EADM 6601 and EADM 6610 or consent of program coordinator. Quarter Prerequisite: EADM 601, EADM 607, EADM 610, EADM 620 or consent of program coordinator
Examines current curriculum and content standards, assessment of student achievement, data analysis, instructional decision-making school plans, and use of technology. Various programs including special education, English Learner, and STEM among others are explored. This course includes a practicum for the Administrative Services Preliminary Credential. Three hours seminar and two hours practicum.Formerly offered as EADM 622.
EADM 6640. California Administrator Performance Assessment (CalAPA) Support Seminar. Units: 3
Semester Prerequisite: Admission to the Preliminary Administrative Credential Services Credential or Preliminary Administrative Services Intern Credential Programs. Students should have completed or currently be enrolled in EADM 6601, 6610 or 6622 or a course substitute approved by program coordinator prior to enrolling in the course
Course focuses on preparing candidates in the Preliminary Administrative Services Credential Program (PASC) or Preliminary Administrative Services Intern Credential Program to complete any of the CalAPA assessments 1, 2, and/or 3. These assessments are required by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) for the PASC. Graded credit/no credit. Can be taken a maximum of three times for a total of nine units.
EADM 6620. Fieldwork in Educational Administration I. Units: 3
Semester Prerequisite: EADM 6601, EADM 6610, or consent of program coordinator. Quarter Prerequisite: EADM 601, EADM 607, EADM 610, EADM 620 or consent of program coordinator
Administrative fieldwork at the elementary and the secondary school level, coordinated with the district. Consists of a minimum of 60 hours of administrative fieldwork experience at the elementary and repeated at the secondary level for 3 units and 60 hours at each level for a total of 6units and 120 hours. Formerly offered as 621A.
EADM 6621. Fieldwork in Educational Administration II. Units: 3
Semester Prerequisite: EADM 6601, EADM 6610, EADM 6620 or consent of program coordinator. Quarter Prerequisite: EADM 601, EADM 610, EADM 607, EADM 620, EADM 621A or consent of program coordinator
Administrative fieldwork at the elementary and the secondary school level, coordinated with the district. Consists of a minimum of 60 hours of administrative fieldwork experience at the elementary and repeated at the secondary level for 3 units and 60 hours at each level for a total of 6 units and 120 hours. Formerly offered as EADM 621B.
Educational Administration
Teaching and Learning
- Bilingual, Dual Immersion Education
- English Learners
- Cultural Responsive Pedagogy
- Special Education
- Diversity and Inclusion
Research and Teaching Interests
Teaching and Learning:
- Teacher Self-Efficacy
- Intergenerational Trauma
- Best practices for diverse students
- Adoption of Online Courses by Faculty and Students
Education Administration and Equity
- Leadership and Social Justice
- From Data to Action