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Brett Goforth

Brett Goforth



Office Phone(909) 537-5521
Office LocationSB-317


Ph.D., University of California, Riverside, 2009


GEOG 1070 – Environmental Studies Orientation Seminar

GEOG 1030 – Physical Geography

GEOG 1030L – Physical Geography Lab

GEOG 3300 – Weather & Climate

GEOG 4300 – Biogeography

GEOG 5551 – Laboratory Experience


Environmental studies, physical geography, California vegetation, biogeography, fire ecology, wildland soils.

Research and Teaching Interests

I am interested in the study of spatial and temporal patterns of California vegetation in relationship to seed dispersal, fire ecology, wildland soils, and environmental change.  I practice field and lab methods including botany, vegetation mapping and classification, Dendrochronology, soil description, repeat photography (ground, aerial), and geospatial analysis (GPS, GIS).  My work explores diverse conditions of environmental geography, and I seek to reconstruct environmental changes through interdisciplinary mixed-method approaches that utilize field observations, geospatial techniques, historical documentary sources, instrumental records, and proxy evidence. My research has been published in the edited chapters of technical volumes and conference proceedings of professional societies, as well as peer-reviewed journals including: Aliso, Crossosoma, Ecological Applications, Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, Forest Ecology & Management, Geoderma, Geomorphology, Madroño, and the International Journal of Wildland Fire