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Bailey Benedict

Bailey Benedict

Assistant Professor ┋ Business Communication


Assistant Professor
Office Phone(909) 537-5795
Office LocationJB-423

Office Hours

Wednesday: 10:00 am-1:00 pm


Welcome to my faculty profile! My name is Dr. Bailey Benedict, and I use she/her/hers pronouns.

In the sections below, you can learn more about my education, teaching experience, and research specializations.

In my free time, I enjoy road tripping (I once visited 12 National Parks in 3 weeks), going thrift shopping, attending community events, and doing lots of nerdy things, like listening to podcasts, doing crafts, and reading dystopian novels and autobiographies. I am excited for warmer weather in the Inland Empire after living exclusively in the Midwest!

More information about me is available on my website, LinkedIn, or Google Scholar.

You can also find me on TikTokInstagram, and YouTube at @bizcommprof.


Ph.D. in Organizational Communication - Purdue University (2021)

M.A. in Communication - University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (2017)

B.A. in Communication Studies - University of Wisconsin-La Crosse (2015)


MGMT 3500: Applied Communication

ADMN 6020: Advanced Managerial Communications

Prior to joining CSUSB, I was an Assistant Director for Introduction to Presentational Speaking at Purdue University, one of the largest basic communication courses in the world; was a consultant in the Purdue Presentation Center (like The Speaking Center at JHBC); and taught classes like Small Group Communication, Organizational Communication, and Business and Professional Communication in traditional and online modalities.


My research centers on how individuals and communities organize social networks to manage uncertainty and enact resilience, especially when enduring or overcoming hardships like natural disasters. As a social scientist, I study human behavior, development, and societies with the goal of producing replicable knowledge. In other words, if I study a certain social phenomenon in a specific context and come to a defined conclusion, I hope other researchers would come to the same or a similar conclusion if they replicated (or repeated) my study.

I worked on two interdisciplinary, multi-university projects funded by the National Science Foundation to study hurricane preparation, evacuation, and recovery. My dissertation examined how Facebook Groups offered spaces for community organizing for disaster relief and facilitated recovery after the Camp Fire in California.

I use multiple and mixed research methods, especially surveys using egocentric network analysis and structural equation modeling. These are statistical methods that help me understand the relationships held by an entity of interest (i.e., the ego), like the people who provide social support to an individual survivor after a natural disaster, and the impact of predictor variables on an outcome variable when other factors are controlled, such as how social support influences resilience when the amount of damage to one's home is held constant.

Selected Publications

Lee, S., Benedict, B. C., Ge, Y., Murray-Tuite, P., & Ukkusuri, S. V. (2021). An application of media and network multiplexity theory to the structure and perceptions of information environments in hurricane evacuation. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 72(7), 885-900.

Benedict, B. C. (2020). Using vision boards to reflect on relevant experiences and envision ideal futures. College Teaching.

Benedict, B. C. (2020). Examining the experiences of remaining employees after a coworker dismissal: Initial message characteristics, information seeking, uncertainty, and perceived social costs. Management Communication Quarterly, 34(4), 495-526.

Lee, S., Benedict, B. C., Jarvis, C. M., Siebeneck, L., & Kuenanz, B-J. (2020). Support and barriers in long-term recovery after Hurricane Sandy: Improvisation as a communicative process of resilience. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 48(4), 438-458.

Note: DO NOT pay to read journal articles by professors! Most scholars, myself included, can send you a PDF for free.