Angela Asbell
I was hired in 2005 to teach writing courses in the English Department, then began teaching Perspectives on Gender in 2007, and then Gender and Sexuality Studies (formerly Women's Studies) in 2008.
I am an artist, a zinester, and community organizer committed to collective, grassroots justice. I was born and raised in the Inland Empire and I care very deeply about improving and evolving our community.
MA English Composition
BA English Literature Minor in Women's Studies, California State University, San Bernardino
ENG 1050-1060 (Accelerated Stretch Composition), ENG 1070 (Advanced Stretch Composition), ENG 1210 (Diversity and Social Justice Literature), ENG 1300 (Language, Society, and Power), ENG 2400 (Writing in the Public Sphere), ENG 3060 (Expository Writing), ENG 3290 (Introduction to Writing and Literacy Studies), ENG 3620 (Studies in Rhetoric), HUM 3250 (Perspectives on Gender), CAL 3300 (Arts & Ideas), CAL 3400 (Interpretation & Values), CAL 3500 (The Cultures of American Childhood), CAL 3550 (LGBTQ+ Issues in the Humanities), GSS 1020 (Introduction to Transgender Studies), GSS 1030 (Introduction to LGBT Studies), GSS 4200 (Feminist Theory), GSS 4500 (Queer Theory).
Literacy Studies, English Composition and Rhetoric, Gender and Sexuality Studies.
Research and Teaching Interests
Self-publishing, rhetoric of social justice movements, politics of language, social construction of literacy, gender and sexuality studies, ethnic studies, critical literacy, cultural studies, political economy of culture, queer/trans/feminist prison abolition.