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Weapons On Campus

Weapons On Campus

Reviewed By: Administrative Council on
Approved By: Anthony H. Evans, President on
Reviewed By: Administrative Council on
Approved By: President Karnig on
Reviewed By: Administrative Council on
Approved By: Tomas D. Morales, President on

For interpretation of this policy, please contact the responsible department: University Police, 909-537-5165

Consistent with California’s Gun Free Zone Act of 1995, California State University, San Bernardino is a Gun Free Zone. The California Penal Code also contains specific provisions which prohibit other weapons on the campus of an educational institution. The Penal Code establishes a distinct difference between the possession of a weapon in the larger community and the possession of a weapon on campus.  It is extremely important for employees, students, and visitors to the campus to understand this difference and the consequences of possessing a weapon on University property without lawful permission.  For example, a concealed carry weapons permit does not authorize an individual to possess a firearm on University property. 

The California Code of Regulations Title V, Section 41301 and California Penal Code Sections 626.9 and 626.10, prohibit weapons on campus.  For the purpose of this policy, weapons are defined as any firearm, dirk, dagger, ice pick, knife having a fixed blade longer than 2 ½ inches, less lethal weapons as defined by Penal Codes Section 16780, stun gun, any weapon listed in Penal Code Section 16590, and any object, chemical, explosive or device specifically designed or intended to threaten, injure or kill people.

Any person wishing to bring onto campus for any lawful reason a firearm or other weapon must first contact and receive approval from the University Police Department. The Chief of Police or his/her designee will review the request and then forward it to the University President for approval if the request is deemed lawful.  The Chief of Police will summarily deny requests outside the statutory exemptions.  

The University Police Department will follow its regular investigative procedures whenever an unauthorized or unlawful possession of a weapon by an employee, a student, or campus visitor is discovered.  Any employee, student, or visitor who brings an unlawful or unauthorized weapon onto the CSUSB campus will be subject to the provisions of the California Code of Regulations, and Penal Code, including administrative disciplinary action, and/or criminal arrest and prosecution. Subsequent action in any case may include criminal prosecution and/or disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from employment or a student's expulsion from the university.